CHAPTER 30: Unknown voices

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Word count: 833


"You may not be the strongest, but I can help you"

"Help me?... Tsk, As if such demon would do that"

"Oh, believe me... I can make you win against a Hashira... And get a higher rank"


Kirumi's steps halted as she heard a voice echoing in the forest

Her eyes wandered through the place, in between the trees... Over the leaves


Kirumi turned around, only to see a small kid holding tightly onto his yukata

She tilted her head in confusion before walking to the kid "Hmm?... Are you lost?"

The kid raised his head. Fear lingering through his small body

It didn't take too much time for the boy to start bawling. He had a few bruises and scratches on his arms and face

Kirumi took a few steps closer to the boy and kneeled down on the floor just in front of him "It's probably scary..." She paused as she examined the severity of the kid's injuries, before talking again

"Would you like me to help you or to comfort you?" She softly asked while trying to not scare the kid away

It seemed like it worked because the kid took small and timid steps towards her


Kirumi felt her heart warm up as the boy reached his small hands out, so she would pick him up. His eyes still had tears welling up on them, making his expression much more... pitiful

She slowly and gently took him into her arms. She didn't want to do this, but at this point, she couldn't risk the life of a kid

There was definitely a demon close by, that voice that echoed before could only come from a demon

But she had to make sure the kid was safe and would go to his family without a single scratch more

She sighed and stood up, still holding the child in her arms, his head was resting on her shoulder and his short arms were wrapped around her neck

This felt oddly... Nice... and comforting

Kirumi stepped away from where she was standing, looking for the closest village

A child could not go too far, meaning that he must be from the closest village

Probably the village she was going to, since it was close by to this part of the forest

Yes... It probably would be...

"Such a nice sight to take part of~"

Kirumi didn't stop this time, she needed to leave, she needed to leave fast-


She heard the soft whine the kid let out and stopped in her tracks before looking back, where a wooden toy car laid

She sighed and went to pick the car up before handling it to the kid "Be more careful, kid"

"You should follow that advice~"

Kirumi felt a tap on the side of her face. She would've unsheathed her sword seconds before, if only she wouldn't be taking care of the kid

She looked around her, trying to spot who had just tapped on her head

She had to leave the kid first... Then, she'll take care of this demon

"... You better wait here..."

Kirumi mumbled before holding the tight, covering his face before she started running

She knew it was dangerous, but she had no other option, she needed to leave the kid somewhere safe... Soon


"Excuse me..." Kirumi called out for someone when she reached a restaurant from the village, there were some people eating a late night snack

But, that wasn't what she needed. She needed to find someone who could take care of the kid


Kirumi stopped looking around and immediately turned around, and found a woman who was walking towards her

"Aki! Oh God, where were you?" The woman looked distressed and close to breaking down

"Is... this your kid?" Kirumi asked and the woman nodded

They had great similarities. That had to be true...

She soon decided to give the kid to the woman. She had no time to waste. She had left a demon in the middle of the forest, and hopefully... It hadn't left


Suki was right above Kirumi, trying to spot the demon from high above. but there really wasn't much to spot

Only trees, and more trees...

That made part... of a very familiar atmosphere

"Water breathing: First form: Water surface slash!"

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Kirumi has not used Water Breathing for the past 2 years.



So! The next chapter only needs some adittion and it'll be done, meaning that I will release soon enough too

Also, the next chapter will be the last chapter of this arc

And then, the Light Estate arc will come 👏

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying the story and I am really happy with how far it has gotten.

Thank you to the ones who read it, and if you dislike something or you think there is something that I could do better at, then I'm completely open for constructive critism

Well, good bye! 👐

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