CHAPTER 10: Rants

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Word count: 1275

𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕣𝕔

"Caw! There's an emergency Hashira meeting! Caw! Head to the headquarters immediately!"

"Emergency meeting?"

Kirumi didn't think much of it before took her haori and started walking towards the headquarters

"Suki... Do you know what the meeting is about?"

"No, Oyakata-sama just wants every Hashira in there"

"... Every?... Bu-"

"Caw! Every Hashira that isn't injured!"

Kirumi stayed completely silent when her crow said that

It almost felt as if Suki was mocking her

"... You're annoying" Kirumi stated before she started to run so that she would arrive faster

It had been some time since Kirumi had seen most of the Hashiras

It would've been all the Hashiras... If only the Master wouldn't have sent her, and the Wind Hashira, on a mission together


That did not go well...

But well, at least they deffeated the demon and no human life was lost

"... Hm"

Kirumi shaked her head to stop thinking about that memory, but... It only made her start questioning a few things

Because, now that she thinks about it, she never really understood why the Wind Hashira hated her so much

Or, at least, that's what it looked like

Every single time they met each other, the man looked at her as if she committed the worst crime in the universe

It was something she wanted to ask him, and if she had the opportunity, she would...


After some time, Kirumi arrived to the headquarters

From a little far away, she saw most Hashiras had already arrived

So, Kirumi decided to wait in one corner of the place, trying to not be noticed

But, of course, that did not work because of certain Hashira that could hear every single damn thing

"Oh, the Light Hashira seems to have arrived!"

Kirumi stood awkwardly before she slightly bowed down and then, turned around, looking at the wisteria trees that surrounded the place

Kirumi distracted herself with the trees, gazing at them without much thoughts in her head

'Mh... Maybe this meeting won't be so bad'

"I'll need for all of the Hashira to pair up in most missions for now"

Silence. That was everything that could be heard in the headquarters before the Master talked again

"With the incident in Mount Natagumo and Mugen train, we need to take some precautions..." Oyakata looked at one of the children and with just that look, one of them started talking

"The pairings were previously chosen by Oyakata-sama. The pairs will be changed every two months, meaning, this is a training too. The pairings are the next: Uzui-sama with Kanroji-sama; Tokito-sama with Tomioka-sama; Himejima-sama with Koucho-sama; Iguro-sama with Teruko-sama and Shinazugawa-sama with Kirumi-sama"

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