CHAPTER 7: Family

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Word count: 2049


It had already been a week since Kirumi had confronted the upper moon 3

She had yet to know if the flame Hashira had survived. She did get to know that his condition was stabilized, but it wasn't safe to say that he would survive throughout the days

And she was scared, she didn't want to go and be told that he had died, she didn't want to go to just get the news that he was dead

But today, she got a message from who she supposed was Rengoku's crow

Someone apparently wanted to talk with her and that placed some bad feelings into her

In the Butterfly estate

Kirumi had gone hall after hall before she encountered three little girls willing to help her find her location and in a few minutes, they arrived

"Thank you for the help" Kirumi said before entering the place and she saw two people in it

One, was the Hashira who, for God's sake, was still smiling

'Yeah, it was definitely because he was dying with a freaking smile on'

And the other one was the total opposite, he was crying his eyes out... He looked terrifically similar to the Hashira, he only looked younger

His expression made her have a bad feeling, she paid no attention to the Hashira, so she didn't know if he was alive

The boy's face looked up to the door after hearing some steps and some more tears rolled out of his eyes, making the light Hashira slowly get closer to the Hashira's bed and to the young boy

Seeing his devastated face made Kirumi panic, but she pushed those feelings aside and decided to talk

"I've been told someone wanted to talk with me by the Hashira's crow" Kirumi said, assuming that it was the boy

"My- My brother..."

'Oh, that was why they were literally the same'

"Thank you for saving him"

Kirumi's eyes widen, he was alive... he was fine

"Thank you for saving my brother, If- if you wouldn't have been there he- he would've died instantly, but- but he woke up, because... You helped him, thank you, thank you so much" The young boy said before standing up and bowing down a few times

Kirumi could only stay still, she didn't know what to do or think

He had woken up

After a few seconds the boy looked up to her abdomen and then her face, before he did what Kirumi thought was impossible

He started to cry his heart out even harder

And Kirumi couldn't say anything, as well as she couldn't move a muscle

It would be rude to leave a crying kid but it would be creepy to comfort him in some way when they had just met... right?

In the blink of an eye, the boy hugged her with all his might, making Kirumi shocked and making her muffle out a yelp of pain

She didn't have the heart to tell him anything right now

The only thing that was heard was "sorry" and "thank you" coming from the young boy

Making Kirumi finally react and start rubbing the boy's back

"Don't say sorry... there's nothing to be sorry about... So please don't blame yourself or anyone about anything that happened" Kirumi said while the boy could only cry harder and hug her harder

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