CHAPTER 28: A small gift

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Word count: 724


"Shh. Kirumi. shhhhh" Akemi whispered to the young girl while preparing the food

"That fish is taking too much time" Kirumi complained from the kitchen's door

It was February 8. Meaning that it was the Water Hashira's birthday

Kirumi planned to gift him his favorite food. Salmon Daikon

But, she didn't even know what Salmon Daikon even was, also, she didn't really know how to cook

So, she asked Akemi to help her with cooking the dish

And here she was, waiting on the kitchen door, in case he decided to appear out of nowhere

But, Kirumi had learned that the kitchen was the place in his estate that he didn't use much, so, she was just standing on the door for noth-


Kirumi looked out at the door and spotted her mentor

She didn't know why she immediately panicked and just looked back at Akemi, frozen in place

The kakushi looked back at Kirumi and laughed "Just distract him. Tell him you want to train or something"

"But I don't want to-" Kirumi stopped her sentence when she saw the look Akemi was giving her, and she grunted before going out the kitchen

"Giyuu-san!" Kirumi shouted out as soon as she ran out the kitchen, for no reason at all, since... Well, he was just infront of her

"... Why are you shouting?"

The girl opened her eyes and took a few steps back once she realized he wasn't as far from the kitchen door as she thought he was

"Uhm... Let's train!" Kirumi said, trying to not look suspicious

"Why does it smell like something's burning?" The Hashira asked as he took some steps towards the door

"Nothing's burning. Must be coming from far away" Kirumi said, trying to not be suspicios about her obvious try of not letting him go into the kitchen

"It doesn't smell that far-"

"You are strong, you probably have higher senses- I think... Anyway! Let's train" Kirumi tried to pull giyuu towards the garden where they usually train

Though, it wasn't working, because she wasn't even half as strong as him


Kirumi didn't really know how she convinced him that she actually wanted to train

But, it thankfully worked, and now, they were on the garden, with Giyuu teaching Kirumi some techniques

20 minutes had passed, before Akemi finally called Kirumi from inside the minka, since the surprise was done

Kirumi didn't know she could run this fast, but aparently, she could

Akemi laughed as she gave the plate to Kirumi "You should've told him to come too"

"Oh... I'll just give it to him there" Kirumi took the plate and thanked Akemi before going back to the garden

She saw him sitting on the grass, facing the other side

So, Kirumi walked towards him and stood infornt of him, with her hands holding out the plate, literally on his face

"Happy birthday!" The young girl congratulated

Giyuu looked up front, and immediately realized what Kirumi was holding out because of the very familiar scent

He took the plate from her hands and held it down

"Akemi-san helped me with it... Actually, no. She did it all. But it was my idea!" Kirumi excitedly explained as she sat down infront of him

"Thank you-"

"Taste it!"

Giyuu was a little taken aback by her excitement

She usually was like this, but he couldn't understand why she was this excited over him tasting something

Either way, he did as told

Kirumi stared right at him as she took a bite of the dish. It wasn't a normal stare you would get when eating, it was like she wanted to murder him or something



"Do you want some-"

"No" She interrupted him and then kept on with the staring



"Are you su-"

"Eat it yourself! It's yours! Your gift! Eat it!"

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Akemi purposely burned some leaves so that the salmon daikon's smell wouldn't be noticed.


So, a special chapter for Giyuu's birthday 🎉

I had this planned, because I knew Giyuu's birthday was in February but I didn't know it was today

So, yeah, that's why it's quite late

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this little memory, and I swear, I'll try to update the next chapter, that actually matters for the story

Well, good night! 🙌

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