CHAPTER 31: "You can rest now"

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Word count: 1518


Kirumi's whole body seemed to have come to a stop

Those words... That voice... The feelings

That moment...

Kirumi slowly turned her body to face the other side and...

There stood her younger self... right in front of her...

And she saw the moment that haunted her for years... And haunts her till this day

The moment she lost for the first time. The moment she realized that life could be... Was cruel...


It felt like she couldn't breath as she saw what was infront of her

Her whole body trembled, while her grasp on her sword's hilt loosened

Her feet moved towards the crow's body that lied on the dirt

She felt a lump on her throat, and her eyes watering as she kneeled down infront of it

She wanted to hug her, she wanted to relieve the pain Sora probably felt

She wanted to scream at her younger self to just stop fighting and do something...

Kirumi bit on her lower lip, trying to surpress her cries

Her body was in pain, her chest felt heavy and so did her heart

She didn't want to see this, she didn't want to relive this... She didn't want to find any other faults in herself

Her younger self didn't realized how the crow cried in pain, her younger self didn't know that


She didn't want to see how her crow died from a closer perspective... She didn't want to see this anymore...

"How pitiful~ Such a tragic story... A life was taken when it hadn't completely bloomed"

"Shut up..."

Kirumi turned around and faced the demon

The demon that finally showed its face... Its eyes

Lower moon 5

Kirumi's anger took over. Her desperation to put an end to the screams from her younger self that echoed and echoed in her mind

"Hey, hey... I did nothing. You caused that, and you know it"

'It thinks I don't know that?'

"I know... I am well aware of that... So just shut up!" Kirumi said as she threw messy attacks

Her attacks were useless. She wasn't in the right state of mind to use her abilities in the right way

She was just a big mess... Her mind filled with all type of negative emotions

It was all fogged with her feelings, her feelings of guiltiness, sadness and anger... Anger towards herself

She was mad at herself, she was mad at her younger self for not have been able to know how to save her crow

For not have been able to notice she was in terrible pain... For not have known how to save Sora

Kirumi's sword was directed to the demon's neck

Finally... she was going to stop this. She wasn't going to be seeing this nightmare anymore

"Sister? Mom?"

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