CHAPTER 19: Put up a fight

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Word count: 1114


"I'll show no mercy, because my name is Gyutaro!"

Kirumi covered the couple as the demon threw its sickles into the air, breaking part of the roof

Pieces of the roof fell down onto them and on the floor as the sickles went back to the demon's hands

"I'm so jealous, I could die" The demon said as he scratched his own body

"Such a good-looking, brave guy you are"

"Showing off like that while protecting those humans... You must be such a brave hero in their minds" The demon pointed out as his frustration became more and more visible

"Well, yeah. I am a flashy, glamorous lady's mand, so that's a no-brainer"

Kirumi really wanted to facepalm herself. Not like she cared, but why did that Hashira have the great idea to brag right now?

"Not to brag, but I have three wives to boot"

The demon's annoyance increased significally after those words left the Sound Hashira's lips

"Am I going deaf, or did you just say you have three wives?"

"You've gotta be kidding me!" The demon let out a shout of annoyance and frustration "That's unforgivable!"

Kirumi saw as the demon's sickles were starting to get covered in blood as the demon started to move once again

"Blood demon art!... Flying Blood Sickles!"

Kirumi was about to block the attacks and protect the couple behind her

But before she could, she suddenly was falling down to the first floor

"Run! Quickly!" The sound Hashira told the couple, and soon, they both ran out of the building

"Like I'd let you escape this easily" The demon said before the blood sickles went through the whole room

Kirumi blocked some attacks that were directed at her as she soon notices the movements were not messy and did not stop

They were controlled and specifically directed at them

'He controls his attacks...'

Kirumi, once again, could barely react when the Hashira caused another explosion

Once the dirt and explasion cleared up, she saw the sashes from the demon girl, all of them were in the form of a ball, most probably covering both demons

"The thing about us is... We fight together, and two is better than one, you know?"


Kirumi could only listened to the couple of words that the demon and the Sound Hashira were exchaging

"What a load of crap!" The sound Hashira shouted out

"Do you have any idea... Just how many lives have slipped through my fingers?"

"If you aren't special, then what's going on? Both of my blood sickles as drenched with deadly poison. I'm positive its entered your bloodstream by now, so why aren't you dead? Huh!?"

"I said I'm a trained shinobi, didn't I? I'm inmune to nearly all types of poison"

Words were exchanged between the Sound Hashira and the demon siblings

"Hmm... Slowly, but surely... The poison is affecting you after all, isn't it? Must be embarrasing after all that talk about it not working on a guy like you" The demon pointed out as he mockingly laughed

"You're wrong! I am fine! Look for yourself! I've never felt better! I could devour a hundred bowls of tempura don!" The Sound Hashira shouted out to the demon

"In a flashy way, of course!"

Kirumi saw as the Hashira charged at the demons at a high speed

Not long after, the demon was sent into the air

It was all too fast, Kirumi couldn't keep up with most of the things the Hashira did

She could see his movements, the problem was that he did lots of sudden things, making it unable for Kirumi to attack by herself without having to check what that Hashira did

Another big explosion happened, smoke covered the room as Kirumi saw the demon sister get beheaded

Kirumi knew she couldn't fight the brother. She wasn't inmune to poison. It would kill her in seconds

She knew there was a way to stop poison, she knew she could stop the poison with antidotes. But she would lose time if she did that

So, she needed to keep the sister at bay, she could poison her and that would debilitate her, but that also meant the brother would hate her and attack her the most

Kirumi didn't think much after this. She would just stop the demon sister and then see what happens, she would leave it to fate... Like always

"It is I! Lord Inosuke along with my trusty minion!"

Kirumi briefly looked back, where the boy with yellow hair and the boy with a boar head stood on

She faced up front when the boy with hanafuda earring landed in between the Hashira and the demon

The demon scoffed at this "You can summon all the underlings you want, but unfortunately your fate was sealed from the start... So look, you're all going to die anyway, right?"

Kirumi looked around while the Hashira and demons kept talking

'It had to be an upper moon on our first mission together...'

"You heard him! Not a single one of those fools even lived to see daybreak! After all, we always have the long nights on our side" The demon girl said as her anger become more and more noticeable

"Your deaths are inevitable, so just die!"

'Light breathing... Third form... Light sprint'

Kirumi dashed at the demon girl as she saw the yellow-haired boy slash her sashes

She kicked the demon up into the sky, soon enough, the same boy jumped up onto the roof

Her plans changed as she saw the boy's intentions and as she heard one of the other boys say he and the yellow-haired boy would deal with that demon

They could deal with the demon sister, with the confidence of one and the speed of the other, they could give a fight to the demon sister

She had done what she wanted with the demin sister... She had poisoned her. The demon would soon enough debilitate, making it easier for the two boys

The bigger problem was the other demon. A single slash would poison her, if it was bad enough, it would kill her

She didn't know how she would survive, but it's not like it mattered

She was already part of this fight.. she needed to fight it

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Kirumi brieftly reminded Daki of her human form


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Thank you for reading till this point and for finding my work interesting, or fun, or anything at all 🦭

If you have any request/opinion, please write it in the comments 😄

Anyway, see you on the next chapter!

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