CHAPTER 32: Calm after the storm

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Word count: 706

𝕃𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕔

"Kirumi-san? Can you hear me?"

Kirumi tiredly opened her eyes the moment she heard a kakushi's voice

"Yes, I... I can... Where am I?"

The kakushi sighed in relief before answering "You're in your Estate. Yesterday, you passed out once you fought with the Lower Moon 5"

"... Ah... I see..." She muttered before sitting up on the bed "I-"

"Kirumi-san! You can't sit up right now, the cut in your abdomen is still healing" The kakushi exclaimed in panic

"... Sorry, I'll lay back down" Kirumi said softly before laying back down

Her eyes stared up at the white ceiling, while mind drifted back to what the demon had somehow shown her

Was its blood demon art related to memories?  But, how? Does it just see her and have access to her memories?

Though, now that she remembers... Someone did touch her

When she was picking up the kid's toy... Someone tapped her shoulder...

So, was it by touch? Did that demon have to just touch her to know her memories?

Kirumi let out a sigh

At least... It is now dead. If that demon would've gotten more time, it would've become way too strong

'The demons are getting stronger by day...'

This demon. It terrified Kirumi that there would be such demons.

Because, for Kirumi... Memories could be one's greater strength or weakness... Or both

They could make strength rise from the depth of a person's heart... same as it could punch them right in the face and destroy them

She found that unfair...

It didn't matter if it was a good or bad memory... they could all turn against oneself

She hated that... because it made her scared of every single memory she had


A couple of weeks passed, in which Kirumi never left her estate

It wasn't something she planned... She just had no reason to go out

Though, it was calm... Really calm

No missions coming... No hundreds of slayers sparing each other... Just... Silence

A peaceful feeling she dreaded ever since she became a Hashira


Kirumi didn't know if she was growing weaker or stronger throughout this break she took

She felt like she was getting stronger. Her body felt stronger and more relaxed... but her mind just felt like everything was a complete mess

Yesterday, she got a small letter from Mitsuri

It was just wishing her to stay healthy and to eat all three meals of the day

But... It was just weird...

Knowing Mitsuri, she would've come into her estate, and cook something or bring food

Though, Kirumi understood. The hashiras were probably busy

She had heard of a few things happening, but sincerely... she was completely clueless of the details

Someone was helping Kocho with making a poison... Missions skyrocketed ever since the swordsmith village incident

And probably one of the most important news she got during the Hashira training... Was that the demon, Nezuko, was now immune to the sun

The boy, named Tanjiro, had commented about it while the slayers were having lunch, and Kirumi happened to be passing by

It was a surprise for her to hear such a thing had happened. She never expected it. She thought it would be impossible

But now... It became possible, which only added danger to everyone

It made her feel even more selfish about taking a break... while every hashira and slayer tried their best to stay alive and kill every demon they encountered... Here she was

Doing pretty much nothing more than resting...

"Caw! The master has sent a letter! Caw!"

Kirumi looked up at Suki before taking the letter into her hands and unfolding it

She thoroughly went through each word that the letter contained

And the more she read... The more anger rose in her body

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Kirumi kind of missed meeting with some people.


Welcome to the Light Estate arc! 🥳

If my ideas line up well, this arc will contain like 5 or so chapters, and two of them are planned and almost ready

Also, thanks for the 800 views! It really means a lot that there are some people who enjoy reading my work 😄

Anyway, have a good day! 👐

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