CHAPTER 24: I knew it couldn't last

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Word count: 491


"Caw! Caw! Attack in the village! Caw! Head there immediately!"

Kirumi's calm and nice sleep was interrupted by the loud voice that was screaming in her ear

She sat up on her mat and rubbed her eyes as her brain tried to process the information it just go-

"Caw!! Attack in the village!!"

Kirumi looked back at her crow for a couple of seconds before she finally realized what was happening

She put on her uniform in a couple of minutes before running out the place

'How did they find the village?'

'Was it from the twelve Kizuki?'

Kirumi kept following her crow at the fastest pace she could

Without village, swordsmiths can't do much, without swordsmiths, the demon slayer corps will fall apart


She couldn't understand if she was lost or if she was just too far from the village

It took more time than she expected to reach the village

And what she saw were just hundreds- No. Thousands of giant fishes, all over the village

Though, Kirumi was sure this wasn't the main problem. This had to be done by an upper moon

No other demon could've done such thing...

'Light breathing: Sixth form: Light strikes'

At a fast speed, Kirumi swung her sword at all the pots that were on top of the giant fishes

Though, there were still more and, there were even more coming

The village was a disaster. Fallen houses. People screaming and running. And of course, the cause of it all

The giant fishes kept attacking every human that stood on their path

'Sixth form: Light strikes: Rampage'

Kirumi ran in between the giant fishes, her feet speeding up and each slash being stronger than the last one

She slashed lots of the fishes, but there were a lot more left, and more coming to the village

So, she would need to keep fighting and protecting everyone here until sunrise, or until the demon dies...


'I was having such a calm time...'

Kirumi never stopped. She couldn't stop

If she stopped, people would get even more hurt, maybe people would die

She needed to do this nonstop... Somehow

'It was finally a peaceful time...'

Even if she was tired, or sleepy, or feeling any type of pain

She needed to keep going...

'I knew it couldn't last'

Kirumi kept going through the village. Using form after form

Killing those things nonstop before doing the same all over again...

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Kirumi still didn't know that there were other demon slayers in the village


Okaay, extremely short chapter, but I just wanted to update, because tomorrow I won't be able to, and then it's Christmas Eve and then Christmas, soooooo... yeah

Also, thanks for the 400+ reads! I'm really thankful and I hope you enjoyed reading the previous chapters 🦭

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter, and I'll hopefully be able to update before 2024 comes

Well, goodbye 👋

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