CHAPTER 13: A Hashira. . .

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Word count: 1085


Kirumi walked down the path towards the wind estate

A couple of days passed after they fought the lower moon

And Kirumi couldn't help but question even more things

At this point, she didn't know why a demon slayer was a demon slayer

Is it because they want to? Is it because they lost someone? Is it revenge?

These type of questions always flooded her mind

Why do people become demon slayers?... Why did I become a demon slayer?

And for her, in short, it was because she got lost, a demon followed her, someone decapitated it, she found it cool and then she got into this world

But that wasn't even it, because Kirumi took that decision

She decided to lie... She decided to abandon her family and follow a complete stranger... Why?

'Hmmh... I don't even know...'


Kirumi was taking a short break from the training

Although, out of all the trainings, this one was the least tiring one

Kirumi was gazing at the grass before she felt a presence besides her

"I have a question"

Kirumi looked besides her "Hmm?" She lightly raised her eyebrows, waiting for him to say his question

"Why did you become a Hashira?" He asked, not looking at her

"... I... It would have been... disrespectful to keep denying..." Kirumi quietly said

"Why did you deny then?"

"... I'm not sure... I didn't feel... like soemone like me... deserved that position" Kirumi paused for a few seconds "... Why?"

Shinazugawa shrugged "... How exactly is someone like... you?"

Kirumi stopped her thoughts for a minute

That was a good question... How was a person like her?

".. I'm asking this... Because, even though I could say you're emotionless... I don't think you are... Judging by what I heard..." He mumbled the last part

"... You... heard?"

He sighed "When I visited Rengoku-san... He told me you were on the fight too... And he told me what happened afterwards... He told me to not judge you too quickly..."

"... Why would he-"

"Because I am not the nicest person" He slightly raised his voice when saying that "Hmm... But... Oyakata-sama also told me the same... So, I'm curious"

'A person like me...'

"... I'm not sure... I guess..." Kirumi thought for a few seconds before continuing "Indecisiveness..."

"... Indecisiveness?" The man repeated

"... Yes..." Kirumi sighed before standing up "That's all I can say"

Shinazugawa followed her actions "Very well... Then" He took his wooden sword "Let's keep going"


The sun was already setting, meaning that Kirumi had to go and do her night patrols

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