CHAPTER 37: Calm before the storm

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Word count: 1905

𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕔𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕔


Colors are beautiful; They give life to the world, or at least that's what people say.

Colors are one of the things that obtained a meaning given by the humans that occupy the Earth.

Black. Black seemed to have a dark meaning. Black was the color that represented every negative thing that existed in this world.

Death. Negativity. Bad luck. Darkness. Wrong. Bad.

But, why? Why is it that people feel such things? Why is it that people give such meanings to different colors?

Because, colors create different changes in a human's brain, thus, creating different reactions, revealing different feelings, according to the colors they gaze upon.

But, this was something relative.

Depending on differing experiences, likings, preferences and surroundings... Someone would give different meanings to certain things.

It truly is amazing how experiences can have such an impact on someone that they go against the expected reactions of a brain.

Black. Black meant comfort for Kirumi. She loved darkness, it gave her peace. Black was the color you see once you close your eyes. Black was the color that always reminded Kirumi of comfort.

Black was Kumie's color. Black reminded Kirumi of her very first friend.

In the girl's eyes, Kumie was weird. A crow talking wasn't exactly something that didn't spook her out when she heard it for the first time.

But she always held a curious, yet excited smile each and every day Kumie flew by.

Black. Black made her feel accompanied.


Kirumi let out a long sigh and closed her eyes in exhaustion. She had been taking care of the wounded crow ever since she went back to her estate.

Tiredness was flowing through her body. She wanted to sleep and recover whatever energy she had lost.

And it wasn't long before she left both her crows, and walked to her room, falling asleep as soon as she plopped down on her bed.


The sun arose, the chirping of the birds being heard all around.

But Kirumi did not wake up. Her room was in complete darkness, not letting in more than a single stripe of sun rays.

She liked being immersed in her sleep. Being immersed in the darkness of her sleep.


Around mid-day, Kirumi finally stepped out of her bed, trying to rub the sleepiness off as her feet searched around for her sandals.

Once she found her sandals, she stood up and walked to her drawer, taking out a white kimono.

And as she put it on, she couldn't help but stare at the engraved marks she had on her abdomen. She brought her finger to the scars that decorated her abdomen, and gently traced over them.

Kirumi closed her eyes, images of what happened the night before, coming back to haunt her mind. Katzuki's words rang all over her mind, once again, everything she once knew, now turning into crumbled ashes.

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