CHAPTER 6: Feelings

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Word count: 1890


Kirumi left it to Koucho and the kakushi to take care of the injured and everything while she went back to the town, she wanted to know if the Hashira would be fine, if he would even be alive for the next time she meets him, but she didn't know why she needed to go back

Kirumi went towards the woman's house and when she arrived, she lightly knocked the door, waiting for her to open up

"... Good morning- Oh! You're- you're covered in blood, you should-"

"I'm sorry ma'am... I told you I would avenge your husband's death... but the... thing is still out there... I'm really sorry" Kirumi bowed down

The woman smiled at Kirumi "You seem to have done your best... that's what you said to me and... with how fast the thing was... I'm actually impressed you're alive... I'm sure you gave it a hard time and that's enough... thank you for coming to help and also... Can you give us more of that thing you gave me? I don't know if it'll work but if you have given it to me... It must be useful" The woman said and Kirumi could only smile at herself, how could someone be so nice?

"I should be thanking you... About that thing, you can plant wisteria trees all around, it'll keep those things out... I have seeds with me and I know it'll take time to grow, but... it's the most I can offer for now" Kirumi said while taking some seeds out and gave it to the woman

"I'll surely buy more later on... Thank you for the help" The woman said, before smilling to her once again and Kirumi could only bow down at the woman

The woman was thankful, Kirumi at least stopped the kills for a night... It was something good

Then, the whole day kirumi had walked and walked, but it didn't feel good, sure, she had found that motive to keep being a Hashira

But she just discovered something she shouldn't have. She didn't know why she was so bipolar, she was so unbothered the last day and now she was too worried for her own liking

Nothing should matter, herself, them

But they had a motivation and she would need to use those motivations to fight... Even if it meant nothing...

Even if she didn't want to


Kirumi walked through the very familiar path towards her estate, she didn't know why she liked to go through it, it was farther away

Maybe it was because she would go past the Water Estate, and for some reason, the scenery was the best in there

The flowers, the trees, the sky, the rocks, everything was pretty

She didn't really expect for someone to appear there, but someone did and Kirumi knew who it was

There were a few seconds of silence, from one side because of confusion and from the other because of doubt

"Why... Why are you covered in blood?" That was the first thing Kirumi heard making her go into consciousness

'Right, I'm injured'

Kirumi didn't talk for a second, she needed to think of a way to explain what happened... she didn't even know if she could without crying

And that frustrated her

"I-I... I just came back from a mission" Kirumi said and she was terribly glad no one else was there

It was weird, but she liked that her kind of life-threatening injury wasn't getting that much attention... Or that's what she thought

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