CHAPTER 14: Lost

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Word count: 759

𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕦𝕜𝕠 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕦𝕞𝕚 𝕒𝕣𝕔




Kirumi felt as if her heart was about to leave her chest from beating so much

Her hands were trembling, tears dripped from her eyes while she ran through the woods

Her emotions were completely messed up

She had no idea where she was going or what she was going to do later

She just knew she was completely tired, both, mentally and physicaly

Her hands were as cold as ice, her shoes leaving prints on the snow each step she took...


Kirumi walked through the crowds of the city

Her heart thumping against her chest and her eyes red from all the crying she had done

Her mind was a mess, it was like all her memories were getting burnt to ashes

All the things she thought about her family and herself seemed like old ashes that just swooshed away from her mind

She couldn't believe it... She didn't want to believe it

She was supposed to have a happy day

She was supposed to succeed in the mission, she was supposed to reunite with her family, she was supposed to tale her things and go back

But now... Now that... That was all destroyed

She didn't succeed, she let a demon kill her crow

She didn't reunite with her family, she found new demons

She didn't take her things or went back... She failed...


'I failed... I'm sorry'

Kirumi body trembled with each step she took, tears ran down her face as if she had never cried in her life

She was all alone now, she had no one to confide in or someone to take care of her

She was alone... Because she failed


'I'm sorry, I am so so-'

Kirumi looked back to where she was standing a second ago

"... H-huh?"

The girl sniffled up her tears and wiped the remaining ones with her sleeve

She raised her hand and placed it against the wall, but... But she couldn't

Her hand trespassed the wall like it was nothing

Kirumi stumbled back with a small gasp

She felt shivers through all her body while she stared at the wall in fear and confusion

"Who are you?"

Kirumi's breath hitched as she hesitated on turning around

She wanted to run, but her body couldn't handle more running right now

She slowly turned around while gripping her haori's sleeves as tight as she could

Kirumi looked up and saw a boy with green hair and purple eyes

He had a neutral expression at first, but then it changed to one of surprise

"You're... You're a kid"

Kirumi heard the voice of the boy once again, it sounded lighter than before

She didn't answer, instead, she looked at entrance of the house infront

From where a woman with purple eyes and black hair went out of the door

It took the woman some time to notice her and the boy, but when she did, she walked closer and stood besides the boy

"Excuse me... What is your name?" The woman asked to Kirumi with a calm expression on her face

"I-I'm... Kirumi..." the girl said while looking in between the woman and the boy

"How old are you?... You are a demon slayer, aren't you?" The boy asked in a rather loud tone

"... I'm 10 years old... and yes, I am a demon slayer... Who... Who are you?" Kirumi said, almost in a whisper

"I am Tamayo, this is Yushiro... and we both are demons..."

Kirumi backed away, fear rose in her body as she watched the two demons infront of her

She had no idea on what to do, her body was too tired to be able to escape or fight

"P-please... Don't hurt me... I-I... I can't... fight you... I w-won't... please... I-I beg you"

Kirumi kneeled on the floor, pressing her forehead against the cold ground

She knew she looked pathetic, she knew she was putting herself in even more danger... She knew that was wrong

"You should never give others the opportunity to kill you... You should always try to fight"

Kirumi remembers that day

The day she had been told to not give up, to not lose concentration, but to fight... To take her sword and fight...

But she couldn't... She couldn't do that... She could only beg... And rely on luck


"Please... I-I beg you..."



"I don't want to die"

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Kirumi was slightly terrified of the demon boy.

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