CHAPTER 8: Good & Bad

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Word count: 1762


Another filler chapter, I'm sorry. But the next one is going to be something much more relevant to the story.


Kirumi had gone back to the flame Hashira's room after a few minutes, only to see the youngest talking dearingly to his older brother

'I wonder if he is his tsuguko'

Kirumi just felt like that was the most possible thing, since, from what she remembers, during the fight she heard one of the flame Hashira's form was named after a surname so, maybe it was a family thing or something

"Oh, Teruko-san... Sorry for the trouble before" The young boy embarrassingly said, remembering his pitiful estate when they first met

"It's... it's fine" Kirumi blunty said before awkwardly staying put, in the middle of the room

"Is your injury ok? The one in your abdomen" The flame Hashira asked

"Yes... eh..." Kirumi knew she needed to be respectful, but she couldn't be when she couldn't really remember his name

"Rengoku Kyojuro" The man said, after noticing her doubtful face

"Rengoku... sensei-?" Kirumi stopped once she heard the Hashira and his brother laugh

"Rengoku-san is ok"

'I really don't know how to talk with people'

Right, Rengoku-san... Are you ok?... From all of the injuries?" Kirumi mumbled out the first part of her sentence as if reminding her of his name

"Well, I surely got a long way to recover, but it's a big step to have woken up" Regoku said before chuckling

"I heard... I heard you know something of infirmary" The young boy mentioned, making Kirumi confused

She has not told anyone that, how did he know it?

"Tomioka-san came to visit yesterday and he told me that" The young boy explained

"Oh..." Kirumi had gotten into a trance, she didn't exactly know why, she was just too disconnected from the World right now

"Well, I guess you can say that" Kirumi answered after staying silent for a few seconds

"You surely are one talented slayer, you seem to have knowlege in a lot of things" The flame Hashira said with a tone of enthuciasm

"Thank you Regoku-san" Kirumi was starting to get more and more umcomfortable, it was quite awkward to be with two people she barely knew and both were almost totally focusing on her

Well, that was until the door was oppened once again

"Good morning Rengoku-san, I was told you finally woke up"

And that's how Kirumi was obligated to sit down and listen to the conversation betwen two Hashira

She would've left, she could've left, but that meant giving more questions to other people and confronting someone

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