CHAPTER 21: It's done

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Word count: 638


Kirumi gasped once she opened her eyes

She sat up on the floor, pressing her back against the wall

'Did I die?'


Kirumi lowered her gaze, only to be met with a, very, young girl

She recognized this girl, she was the demon sister of the boy with the hanafuda earrings

Kirumi let out a sigh as she took deep breaths

'Wait... Why am I not dead?'

She felt fine... How was she fine? She was supposed to be dead by now, the poison should've killed her


Kirumi raised her head as she heard the sound of a lightning strike

She saw the boy with yellow hair pushing the demon sister through the air at an inmense speed

She looked around the area. There was not a single house standing...

Not a single soul, apart from her and the demon girl...


Kirumi stood up and gave another look to the area

Why wasn't there anyone else?

The other Hashira was supposed to be there

He was supposed to be dead on the ground

Kirumi groaned as she felt a striking pain in her head

She gazed down at the cut on her abdomen

It was still open and blood was still dripping out of it

How much blood did she lose? How much time was she passed out?

Kirumi took her medical box out and took a bandage from it before wrapping it around her waist

She knew there were things happening around her, but she didn't have energy

Sure, she, somehow, didn't have poison in her body anymore, but the demon had made some deep cut son her body and she had injured a few things

She knew she couldn't help anymore, she could only try to recover, in case, they weren't able to kill the demons now

Though, from what she was hearing, the fight was still going

There was a lot of movement and there were explosions every few seconds

Probably meaning the Sound Hashira was fighting now

Kirumi sighed and stood up. She had already bandaged her worst injuries

"... I have to go now" Kirumi said to herself while she sheathed her sword

She had to find the other slayers, and maybe she could-

Kirumi took the demon the girl and covered her, before using her seventh form once she saw hundreds of blood sickles going through the area

The blood sickles stopped in a few seconds, but it sure made great damage on the district

Kirumi let go of the girl once it all stopped, and not even a second later, the demon girl ran away

She looked around the place once more, now, there really wasn't anything standing

She walked a few meters through the destroyed streets, before she saw two fallen heads on the ground

They were some meters away from her, and she knew who she was looking at

'They won...'

Kirumi sighed while she walked away from there, and once she was far enough, she just sat on the ground

She had lost quite a lot of blood, so she probably would pass out soon

But, at least, she would be able to finally leave this place, and hopefully, not come back

Taisho era secret

▪︎ Nezuko really appreciated that Kirumi protected her


So, we are done with the Red District arc! Yay! 🎉

I know it's very short, but I am terrible at fight scenes, so I didn't want to involve Kirumi in any fight anymore

Now, we're less than a month away from Christmas and it really is something unbelievable to me

Like, we are also less than a month away from New Year and I just find it amazing how fast time goes

But, anyway, I hope you guys have a good week! And hopefully, I'll update soon

Byee 👋

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