CHAPTER 15: Acts of care

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Word count: 1439


"I don't want to die"

Maybe it was the most pathetic thing Kirumi had done. Beg for her life when her only reason to live was fear of dying

It wasn't even a fear of dying, it was a fear of not living

She didn't want to not be able to do everything she wanted, she didn't fear her, dying of old age or some demon killing her

No... She never felt any fear for that...

But now... She feared not being able to go on... Not being able to even have a chance...

"Please raise your head... We don't intend to harm you"

Kirumi looked up a few moments later as she sniffled up her tears

The woman now held a gentle smile while she went close to the little girl

"Now... May I know why you're here?"

Kirumi lowered her head as she tried to contain her upcoming sobs

"I-I... I got lost..."

She didn't know if she should feel ashamed

Although, she did feel ashamed, she felt completely ridiculous and pathetic for what happened

But she mostly felt sad, destroyed and even heartbroken

She didn't know if it was right to be feeling that way when everything that happened was her fault

She made her crow get killed, she didn't kill that demon and now, she had nowhere to go

But it was her fault, she shouldn't be crying, these aren't tears for her to cry

She didn't deserve to mourn and cry for everything, because it was her fault... Because she caused this all...

"You're injured, please let me help you"


Kirumi thought this was an impossible thing, this couldn't be real...

Even after all these weeks, it all was too unreal for her

She couldn't be living with demons, she shouldn't be doing this...

Kirumi sighed as she arrived to Tamayo's medical room

She brought a few things she had asked for to treat a patient of hers

"Tamayo-sama, here are the things you asked for" She held up a tray with the things she was asked to bring

"Thank you for helping, you can put them on the table"

Kirumi left the tray on the table before glanzing at the sick person that lied on the bed

He seemed to be asleep, but he looked like he had a high fever as his whole body shivered

"... Will he be able to recover?" The girl asked while holding a look of concern on her face

Tamayo gently smiled before looking at Kirumi "...I'm not sure at the moment... Let's hope he does"

The girl lightly nodded after hearing that explanation before gazing somewhere else in the room

"Would you like something to eat? You haven't eaten anything since morning and it's already evening... You need to eat something" Tamayo said as she stood up

"Huh... I'm okay" The girl said as she looked down at her feet

Tamayo smiled as she walked towards the door "I'll cook something for you"

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