CHAPTER 4: Relationships

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Word count: 1310


Okey, so, this is literally just a filler chapter, please don't hate me, I just needed something before what's coming next -evil laugh- 🤭🤭

ANYWAY, enjoyyy 🐸


"Kirumi-san!" (Guess who dis? 🥸)

'Oh sh*t, not again'

"Kirumi-san! You're looking so pretty today!"

Kirumi could only stare at the person infront of her, how were they the same age?

"Oh, Kirumi-san, what- what happened? You came two days in a row" A smily, innocent boy, asked her

"I-I... I got hurt during training"

"Oh! You train with Giyuu-san, is that right?... But, I don't really think Giyuu-san would do that"

'How cute of you Tanjiro'

"It wasn't... It wasn't because of him" Kirumi bluntly stated, remembering her training for the past two days while Giyuu was on a mission and someone had the most brilliant idea


Kirumi had once again lost... She knew she was no match and she still didn't understand why the Hashira had wanted to train with her or why the Master accepted

"You really aren't that much of a big thing... I wonder how you were requested to become a Hashira 3 times"

'He would've insisted much more times with any other Hashira' Kirumi thought before the wind Hashira had dashed at her with full speed while releasing one of his forms

And Kirumi had just given up, her sword wasn't with her, her whole body was in pain, delaying the end of the training would be the worst

And so Kirumi only got pushed into a tree, she had scratched her legs, arms, somehow, her face and literally every part of her body

"The training concludes?" Kirumi asked, only gaining a nod from the wind Hashira with a confused look on his face

"Thank you for the training" Kirumi said before leaving the wind state towards the butterfly estate, she would've gone to hers if there wouldn't be the option of certain Hashira waiting for her

~End of flashback~

And that happened once again today. Kirumi had just given up already, so she cancelled the training forever, she wasn't gonna handle something to not win anything, at this point, she was just losing energy

"Oh? But Giyuu-san... Weren't you..?" Tanjiro had only heard from the insect Hashira about Giyuu and Kirumi's relationship

It was very blunt explained, since the insect Hashira barely knew anything

"Yes... I've been training with the wind Hashira.. so if you excuse me... I-"

"Giyuu-san!" The young boy said, noticing the same person who he had to thank

Giyuu was just passing by the hall, but he slowly went closer to them and that thankfully had made the blonde guy run away

'Should I leave?... They, after all, seemed to have some type of relationship... Right, seppuko, what is that?'

"Still recovering?" Giyuu asked the young boy

"Yes! We're doing something called rehabilitation training, it's painful, but it's still helpful" the boy excitedly said

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