CHAPTER 18: The red alleyway

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Word count: 1075


"Finally... A Hashira~"

Kirumi's pace slowed down as she heard that voice

Her feet came to a stop a couple of seconds later as she slowly raised her head

An oiran stood infront of her, or well, what looked like an oiran

"I've been waiting for you~"

Kirumi kept her calm as she read what was written on the woman's eyes

She didn't want to believe it, well, more like she didn't want do anything about it


"Incredible, isn't it?" The demon said with a slight smirk on her face

Kirumi saw sashes surrounding the demon. Sashes that looked alive as they went towards her own self

She was able to swiftly dodge the attack while she slashed the sashes

The demon laughed as she walked closer to Kirumi "You're definitely a Hashira... Okay then... Let's play~"

Kirumi took a deep breath before charging at the demon


It was an endless fight... Again

The demon was good at defending herself, although, her attacks were easily dodged or stopped by Kirumi

That was the only reason why Kirumi was only able to decapitate the demon once in the past 10 minutes

And that... Was where the problem came up

This demon, even if she got decapitated, didn't die

She only threw insults at Kirumi while her head layed on the floor

Kirumi would've cut her in pieces and see what happened

If only... She wouldn't have heard people coming

The demon was an oiran, she couldn't kill it infront of people when she was still seen as an oiran

They would destroy her

The demon had, strangely enough, attached her head back onto her neck

It was as if nothing happened at all...

"We'll continue this later!" The demon said before walking away from that alley

Kirumi sheathed her sword as she stared at the demon's back

She hid her sword before she turned around, only to be met by two older women...

'Oh no...'


Kirumi was walking through the crowd again, wanting to go as far away from the district as possible

While, she was trying to figure out what to do now that she had let a demon live

It wasn't as if she had any other option, but still...

Kirumi, for the first time, was trying to focus on the crowd

If the demon was here, Kirumi shouldn't let her escape again

She should kill it, even if she had to hold her hostage till the sun rises... She had to... There was no other option


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