CHAPTER 25: Flower bloom

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Word count: 1114


"Think of it as a blooming flower"

"Huh? B-but... It-"

"I know, but just think of it this way... Once this happens... you will know a flower bloomed... And, although, it may be dissapointing... You'll understand that... that's the beauty of life... Like the bloom of a flower is its beauty..."


Kirumi had been trying to stop those things for a couple of hours now

She tried to keep them at bay. At this point, she was just focusing on not letting them kill the swordsmiths instead of trying to protect everyone

It was a need to find the demon, but, those fishes were not letting her leave the area

She knew hundreds of other swordsmiths were in their cabins in the woods that surrounded the village, she knew they were also in danger...

But it was impossible to do something about it, more than hope for the best for them


It had passed one more hour and the village was finally completely evacuated

She immediately ran out of the village as her crow had announced that the demon had been spotted

Not only that, but, to her surprise, there were other slayers in the village. Two of them being Hashiras

So, Kirumi may not need to do much right now


Kirumi ran and ran, following her crow at a fast pace

She passed through a couple of cabins and she did see some swordsmith being in them, but they were, either unharmed or lightly harmed

But none of their conditions could be considered an emergency, so she could just keep going

She ran through the woods as she kept following her crow to whereever she was taking her

'Sunrise must be happening soon... If the other slayers are still in an acceptable shape, then they can-'

Kirumi's steps halted as her breath started to become frantic

She took a couple of steps back as she slowly looked over her right




Kirumi ran as fast as she could towards the scene she just viewed

Her whole body was shacking in... panic... in desperation...


Kirumi kneled on the ground as she examined the body that layed on the ground

"Hiroshi-san, please... Can you hear me? Can you talk?"

Kirumi's movement were rapid, and completely driven by distress... by pain and misery


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