Cuddles And Mischief - Yuta Okkotsu

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Paring: Yuta okkotsu x Gn! Reader

Featuring: Yuta(duh), Toge, Panda, Maki, and Gojo for like two seconds

Warnings: Migraines, cuddles, Toge is a little shit, Panda is Panda, Implied reader trying to kill Toge and panda (Don't worry they're fine)

Word Count: 3308

Summary: Having chronic Migraines is a bitch, but on the brightside Yuta is the sweetest person to ever live and he just so happens to be your boyfriend. Cuddles are on the agenda and also apparently killing two classmates.

A/n: This is just something I thought of cause I've had a crazy bad migraine for the past week and just needed some cuddles. I believe that Toge 100% knows how to pick a lock, you can fight me on that. Also, I wrote this with the thought of JJk happening more like when they're in college just cause I was more comfy with that, I'll probably go back and edit my Toge fix to be the same at some point. Also please request stuff, i have a list of fandoms i will write for in my pinned post and i'm going to update it later to have the characters listed as well. Anyways enjoy this Yuta fluff.

If I had to describe the worst week of my life it would probably be this one. I know saying the worst week of my life is maybe a slight stretch but damn this week sucked. I've had a migraine for the past week, and nothing helps, I've taken ibuprofen and drank tons of water but again nothing helps. I just want to lay down in a pitch-black room with my boyfriend, Yuta, and sleep in his warm embrace. I crave cuddles, which is odd for me. I've never been big on hugs or cuddling but he's just so warm and inviting I can't help but crave to be near him.

There are two reasons I have yet to do this though. One, we've been busy with school and training. We go to Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu Technical Institute, it's a school to learn about cursed spirits and how to fight them, most of our day is taken up by training and the occasional mission. And secondly, no one knows we are together. You see when me and Yuta started getting closer, we agreed that it would be best to keep our relationship secret from our classmates because some of them can be a lot to deal with, and we didn't want to deal with the endless teasing. Cough Panda Cough

It can be difficult to find time for ourselves when dealing with our crazy life. So here I am sitting on the steps next to the training field, watching Maki fight with Panda because he did something stupid. Yuta and Toge are also on the field practicing hand to hand combat, not that either of them really needed it with their powerful techniques. And as to why I'm just sitting here, well one like I said before I have a migraine and two there are only five of us in our class so not enough for even groups, so I'm sitting out right now.

As I watched Maki pin Panda, I noticed a certain black-haired swordsman eyeing me with concern. With us trying to keep our relationship on the down low, I haven't had the chance to tell him about my migraine, but I know he could probably tell something was up because I was currently wearing a pair of dark sunglasses that could put Gojo's to shame. I know I could have texted him, but I didn't want him to worry about me. So here I was being watched by my secret boyfriend while trying to hide the fact that my head felt like it was going to explode.

"MUSTARD LEAF '' I heard I disgruntled Toge exclaim as Yuta completely lost focus on his sparring match with the cursed speech user.

"Sorry Toge, just lost in thought, would you give me just a minute I need to ask Y/n a question?" Yuta asked as Toge waved him off, obviously upset that his best friend is stopping their training. Yuta then proceeded to make his way over to where I'm sitting on the steps. "Hey Y/n, are you ok? You seem a little out of it, not to mention I don't think Gojo could even see through those sunglasses." He asked as he approached.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Just have a small migraine don't worry about it. "I'm going to go take a nap after training is over, it should go away after that." I responded by trying to downplay my condition so he didn't worry too much. I could tell he didn't fully believe me but nodded in understanding before walking back to keep sparring with our classmate.

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