Part 4

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Daemon's Pov.

It took  days to bury the children and reach meereen, and seeing each and every one of their faces just broke my heart. They were so young, and they were just murderd to send a warning. It's sick, and I have no other words for it. The guilty will pay for this.

Riding next to Ser Jorhan, we come to a stop about 500 yards away from the gate, and I dismount my horse. I despite the Targaryen whore but I'll make sure those children will have justice.

Standing next to  the so called queen I hear the massive gates open and I raise my brow.

"Are they attacking?" She asks and and I see a single rider come out while cheers come from the town.

"A single rider. A champion of Meereen. They want you to send your own champion against him." Ser Barristan says as I see the so called champion come our way.

"What is he doing?" She asks as the rider discounts his horse and says some words while I release a scoff.

"I believe he means to..." Ser Barristan starts but soon the rider starts peeing in our direction while the city releases laughs and cheers. And it only feuls my anger.

"He says that we're an army of men without man parts. He claims you are no woman at all, but a man who... hides his cock in his own asshole." Missandei nervously says and I raise my brow.

"Ignore him, Your Grace. These are meaningless words." Ser Barristan says and I couldn't stop the words that left my lips. "
They're not meaningless if half the city you intend to take is listening to them."  I state and she raises her brow at me.

"I have something to say to the people of Meereen. First, I will need this one to be quiet. Do I have a champion?" She says as she turns around towards her advisors and generals. While the champion keeps trowijg insults our way.

"Allow me this honor, mother of dragons. I will not disappoint you" Grey worm Is the first to say and well he's a good fighter.

"You are the commander of the Unsullied. I cannot risk you." She respons and please tell me this isn't gonna take hours,  let's kill Jim get it over with so I can get justice for those children.

"Your Grace, I've won more single combats than any man alive." Ser Barristan says as more insults keep being thrown our way.

"Which is why you must remain by my side." She states and I roll my eyes as Ser Jorhan speaks next. "I've been by your side longer than any of them, Khaleesi. Let me stand for you today as well."

"You are my most trusted advisor, my most valued general, and my dearest friend. I will not gamble with your life." She replies and I couldn't stop my self.

"My sword." I state as I extend my hand towards Ser Barristan. "You'll fight for me?" The queen of nothing states and I scoff at her words.

"I'll fight for the children who deserve justice so once again Ser Barristan my sword." I state and I see her give him a nod before he hands me BlackFyre.

Taking the bag with the eggs of my shoulder I hand it to Missandei. "Do not look in it." I say in high Valyrian and she gives me a small nod.

Taking BlackFyre out of its sheet I  step forward and do some swings, it still feels amazing in my hands.

Seeing the champion get back on his horse the queen of nothing walks over to me.

"You sure you don't want a horse?" She asks and I quirk my brow. "Don't tell me you've grew fond of my company queen of nothing, besides I'll make this quick ." I state and she rolls her eyes before walking away from me.

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