Part 46.

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Daemon's Pov.

3 full moons later.

"I don't know if I  ever said this, but I hate the cold." I mumble  as we are marching towards WinterFell with well a giant as army behind me while the dragons fly through the sky. I could have flown here, but well, I need to show the men I'm with them, so we rode towards WinterFell, Yara Greyjoy is already here with the iron born.

A part of me is to be honest supirsed they all showed up! But well, maybe it's because of the 8 dragons who are flying above us.

"You'll get used to it, your grace." Harry says, and I quirk my brow at him. "Remember the sea?! Didn't get used to that I emptied my stomach more then lord Tyrion has had whores." I sate and he releases a chuckle at my words.

"Than it must be many times, your grace." Jaime says and I nod my head. "Way to many."

You know besides the things Jaime Lanister has done he's actually not that bad of a company. Maybe he's well trying to be my friend? To  then slip some poison in my cup but I don't know he's alright company.

"The people seem to love us." Dany mumbles, and well, like I've said, the North doesn't love the ones with Targaryen features.

"Ow, they don't like you. They'll probably love me." I say as I stop my horse and dismount it.

Walking over to a small girl who's hugging her mother's leg, I squad down and give her a small smile as the dragons roar above us, making the girl shoot up in  fear.

"Are you scared of them?" I soflty ask her, making her quickly nod her head against her mother's leg.

"They can be scarry, but they are nice. They came with us to protect you. Do you wish to meet one?" I ask her, and she looks at me with wide eyes just like the other people.

"I promise you, you will not be harmed. Sometimes you need to meet the things you fear to then onky find out they weren't so scary in  the first place." I continue as I give her a small smile.

"Meet a dragon?" She asks me with wide eyes, and I give her a nod. "If your mother is oke with that." I soflty say as I stand up straight again.

"Y-your grace, that's too much honor. We are simple people." The woman says as she slightly bows down.

"It's not, so what do  you say you wanna meet one of my dragons?" I  ask the girl who quickly nods her head.

"Alright." I say as I extend my hand for her with she gladly takes. "Your allows to join us too." I say to the mother who quickly nods her head before she walks after me and the little girl.

"Alright, so with one, do you think it is the scariest?" I ask her as we stand in a clearing while some of the army continues to march.

"T-the red one." She says, and I look up to see Baelor, who's well the size of Drogon, fly over us.

"The  we will meet him, I promise you he won't harm you oke?" I say, and she looks at the dragons flying over before hesitantly nodding her head.

"Baelor!" I yell as I look in his direction. "Yes, father?" He asks me as he gets ready to land while the girl now hugs my legg.

"It's alright, he won't harm you." I soflty say as I pick her up and start walking towards Baelor while she hides her face in my chest.

"Dragons can be scary, but unless you harm  them, they will not harm you." I soflty say to her as I run my hand over Baelor's scales.

"She's afraid?" Baelor asks and I give him a nod.  "I won't harm  her father." He continues and I let a smile creep on my face, dragons can be aggressive but in general they aren't unless provoked.

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