Part 15.

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Daemon's Pov.

Somewhere in the narrow sea,

Hanging over the railing, as I empty my stomach again, I hear a loud screech.  "I'm fine, Vhagar." I groan out as I wipe my lips clean.

"Seems like you're not made for the seas, your grace." I hear a voice, and when I turn around, I see Margaery standing 8 feet away from me.

"You do not have to kiss my arse, malady." I groan out as I stand up straight again.

"They call you king, your grace. How else am i supposed to address you?" She says with those big doe like eyes.

"Daemon would be fine." I state before another hit of nausea hits me, and I'm just able to hang my head over the railing before I empty my already empty stomach in the narrow sea again.

"Your men tell great stories about you." Margaery says as she places her hands on  the risking 3 feet away from me.

"Sometimes stories are just stories." I mumble, and I place my own hands on the railing.

"King of the dragons." She states, and I raise my brow at her. "My dragons are my children. They'll kill for me, and I'll kill for them." I  state, and she nods her head as she keeps looking at the calm sea. Well, even calm, it makes me puke my stomach out.

Hearing a screech soon, a shadow flies over me, and I tilt my head to the side. "Viserion!" I yell as the golden like dragon flies above me.

"They've taken Mother!" His voice booms in my head, and  soon Vhagar and Baelor fly over to him. They've taken the Targaryen? Well, that's one less problem for me, right?

"Father, we need to save her!" Baelor booms with a loud roar, and I shake my head. "There's not much I  can  do!" I yell to the dragons who all screech in protest in my direction.

"You speak with them?" Margaery says in disbelief, and I wave her off. "No, we have an understanding." I quickly mumble as my eyes stay on the three dragons.

"Father, please!" Vhagar pleads with me, and I  shake my head. "What do you want me to do? She's not my problem!" I yell to the three who roar in protest at my words.

"She's our mother and your out father. You have a duty to protect her!" Viserion says, and my hold on the railing increases.

What in the gods do they want me to do? We are on different sides of this war, I want the throne, and so does she, and now they want me to go rescue her? If she gets taken out, that is one less problem for me to deal with.

"Viserion, I missed you, but I can not do what you ask off me." I state before turning aprund and walking away from them while their screeches of protests fill my ears.

Walking into the captains cabbin, I shake my head with a scoff as I place my hands on the wooden table.

She's not my problem no  matter what the dragons say, I will continue to sail back to Essos until my men and ships are ready so we can sail to Dragon Stone.
Feeling the ship rock harder, I have to close my eyes to not start puking my stomach out once more before loud screeches fill my ears again.

Hearing a knock on the door, I shake my head. "Come in." I loudly say as I keep my back  facing it.

"Your grace, the dragons grabbed 3 of the horses." I  hear Harry say, and my head snaps back around. So they'll show their protest by taking my horses?!

"They want my help." I mumble as I turn in his direction while my arse leans against the wooden table.

"You speak as if you can understand them, your grace." Harry says with tilt of his head as he lets our eyes meet.

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