Part 45.

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Daemon's Pov.

"The Lannister army is ready to march?" I ask ser Jaime who gives me a nod. "They are your grace. "

"Start marching. All lords are meeting up at the twins before we head to WinterFell." I state, and he gives me a nod.

"Yara Greyjoy and her brother have set sail to WinterFell with Jon Snow, your grace." Tyrion says, and I move the pieces towards WinterFell on the small map.

"Can you all please call me Daemon." I mumble as I stand around the table with the others.

"You are the King, your grace." Harry teases, and I roll my eyes. "Not sure if I like it anymore." I mumble under my breath.

I'm a simple man, don't have to kiss my ass.

"The commoners prace your for getting rid of the tyranny of Cercei Lanister, your grace." Varys says as I place my hands on  the table.

"Yeah, now I have to make sure we don't all die when the Night King arrives." I mumble as I close my eyes for a second.

"Aren't you the same Daemon BlackFyre who took out 50 of my ships and killed 10 000 of my men without losing one himself." She says, and I keep my eyes as the map.

"Because I knew what you would do, his army is dead they don't feel any pain they'll continue to come. Our men can get hurt or tired or scared. I knew you never would have let me take Dragon Stone. That's why I went there because i knew your anger would make you make mistakes what you did." I simply say before I grab my cup of wine, but Harry quickly takes it.

"Are you mentally okay?" I ask him as he sniffs my cup before taking a small sip. "What if someone tried to poison you?!" Harry states, and I roll my eyes as him before taking my cup back.

"You can never be to save, your grace." Varys says, and I just down half of the wine in my cup before placing it down.

"Poison is a woman's way, Cercei is locked in a room where only two people have the key of, her loyalists have been locked up." I say with a simple shrug. It's true the only ones who have the key are Harry and me he's been  bringing her food and stuff like that.

"Get everything ready. we will leave King's Landing soon to march towards WinterFell." I say, and they all give me a nod.

"Who will lead in your absence, your grace?" Tyrion asks me, and just in time, I hear from being me.

"It's good to see you took the throne, young dragon."

Turning around, I give her a bow. "Your beauty never seems to leave, lady Olenna." I say as I take her hand and place a kiss on it.

"Stop the charms, tell me why I'm here." She says, and I shake my head with a smile playing on my lips.

"As you know we have taken King's Landing, the lanister army will also march North, and so will we but in my time of abscess you will take care of all the affairs in King's Landing." I simply state, and i see my wife to be raise her brow.

"Look, there are only two dragon riders, I could let someone else ride on of the dragons, but they'll never have the bond. I need you up North with me." I state as I let our eyes meet.

"Lady Olenna has been loyal since the beginning she is smart, and I trust her to take care of everything until we return." I continue, and she gives me a nod.

"And after our return?" Daenerys asks, and I give her a small smile. "Well, we would marry and rule together." I say.

"And Lady Sansa?, your grace," Tyrion asks and well like I've said before the north will always want to be independent so  unless she joins my house there's always a possibility that they will rebel.

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