Part 38.

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Daemon's Pov.

Some Days Later.

"Your grace, a word, please." Tyrion says as he walks over and I raise my brow. "What can I help you with?" I ask him as I keep letting my hand move over Daena's snout.

"The Lannister army is one of the biggest in the Realms, with the upcoming threat shouldn't it be wise if we asked for their help?" He says, and I shake my head with a smile on my face.

"You honestly believe Lord Tyrion that your sister will care? Me and the Queen of nothing will fly out soon towards The Vale and The Riverlands. He's getting closer to them. I feel it. It's just a matter of time before he does find them, and we need to be ready for it. Now, if you think in your delusional mind that your sister will help us, you can set up a meeting. " I state, and he gives me a hesitant nod.

"And here I thought you were getting used to using my name." I hear from behind me, and I roll my eyes.

"Get ready. We fly out soon." I state before I climb on top of Rheagal and send her a smirk.

"Vallar, Rhaella, and Daena, you guys will stay at dra-" I start but in soon cut off by Daene.

"But father, we wish to come." She says, and I shake my head. "You guys are too young to keep up. We will be back soon." I say, and they screech in my direction.

"We can keep up!" Vallar states, and I pinch the bridge of my house. "Vallar, please, we will be back in a day or two, plus I have an important task for you three." I state, and I think I got their interest.

"This is still weird." I hear Tyrion say, and I raise my brow at him. "Any of you guys hungry?" I ask, and Drogon roars in his direction.

"I did not mean to offend you,your grace." Tyrion quickly says, and I give him shrug.

"Our task, father." Rhaella says, and I turn back in her direction. "Protect Dragon Stone, it holds the Dragon Glass." I simply say and well I had to come up with something to keep them here, it's not like I don't wish for them to join us but they are too small to properly keep up.

"We will protect it, father." Vallar says before the three dragons fly off into the blue sky. "They wished to join?" She asks me as she moves over to Drogon, and I give her a nod.

"Of course they did, but they will only slow us down. I also think 5, almost full-grown dragons, will be enough to send the message." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Lord Tyrion continues to work with the dragon glass, and like I said, if you truly believe your sister will help us send a Raven to King's Landing. " I say before Rheagal starts to fly into the air with the other dragons soon following behind me while Drogon flies beside me with the Targaryen.


After hours of flying, we eventually see the Eyrie come into view, and I tilt my head. it is weirdly beautiful for some reason. At least we can just fly towards one of the windows and don't have to go through the whole trouble of passing the bloody gate and everything like that.

"Get me to that window, Rhaegal." I say as I motion towsrd a large window and he starts to fly towards it.

"You'll have to jump, Father." He says as he flies 7 yards away from it, and I gulp down. Even if I fall, they'll catch me, but still, I do not wish to make that drop.

Standing on top of Rheagal, I close my eyes for a brief second as I inhale a deep breath before I jump toward the window as he gives me a push by throwing his body to the side. Practically crashing onto the floor, a shaky breath leaves my lips before I turn back towards the window and see Drogon fly over with the Targaryen.

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