Part 58.

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Daemon's Pov.

Holding onto the body of Balerion for dear life, his massive form soon falls into the ground with a loud boom as I fly off of him with BlackFyre barely in my hands.

Rolling over the ground with a loud groan, I slowly push my body up on my hands and knees.

Looking around me, I see the wooden wall absolutely destroyed, and I just hope they were all able to retreat to WinterFell in time. Standing up as I hold my body up by putting BlackFyre into the ground, I see the blue flames and red still fill the clouds.

She needs to take The Cannibal down, wait hold the fucking door, if that thing spews dragon fire how can we even fucking kill it with fire?!

Hearing a human like roar behind me I whip my head around and see about 30 Wright's walking my way.

"Why can't a man  just have a rest after he  fell almost to his dead?!" I yell as I  swing BlackFyre to the first onces head that flies off.

"Your grace?!" Harry yells as he runs over with his own sword, and we begin taking the dead down, but it's like for every 1, we take down 5 more run our way. 

"I thought I ordered you to head to WinterFell if they started to overrun you." I state as I stab my sword through onces head.

"Bealor!" I yell, and soon I see the dragons fly down as they screech in our direction.

"Didn't Mother say not to jump off one of us?" Baelor states as I swing BlackFyre at another Wright.

"This is not the moment! Viserion, Rheagal, go help your mother." I yell, and they both start to dissappear into the clouds again.

"Harry, get back now!" I say as I start pushing him away while more Wright's start running after us.

"Baelor, Vhagar cut them off!" I yell as we run over one of the bridges of the trenches. Continuing to push Harry forward as we run trough the corpses of the now dead dead, I hear my children spew fire at the onces who are running after us.

Seeing the gate of WinterFell come into view, I  see Ser Jaime, Greyworm, Briënne,Jon and many others fight the Wright's.

Hearing a roar behind me, I snap my head up, but before I can even register it, Vallar picks me up and flies up before letting me fall on Baelor's back.

"Get me to Dany." I say to Baelor, who starts flying up as the sounds of screeches and roars still fill my ears.

As we eventually fly above the clouds, I see all the dragons practically tearing The Cannibal as Vallar and Baelor soon join them.

Looking at Drogon and Dany on top of him, I grab BlackFyre tighter in my hand, If we don't kill him with Valerian Steele or with Dragon Glass, he will continue to fight.

"Get me close to him." I soflty say to Baelor, who flies up above The Cannibal, jumping down. I fall on his large back as I grab his spikes and start crawling over his massive body that goes left and right! As if it's not already hard enough to crawl over a dragon with a   sword in hand, no I'm climbing over one who's trashing left and right ad he tried to get his teeth into one of my children again!

As he rolls to the side, I can barely hold on with one hand as my feet dangle in the air.

"Daemon!" Dany yells as I pull my body up and continue my journey to his head with a shaky breath. Wouldn't wish to make that fall!

Reaching his large head, I lean  back on my knees as I hold BlackFyre in both hands.

"I hope you can rest now." I whisper before plunging BlackFyre into his head as he releases a loud screech and starts trowing his head around.

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