Part 44.

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Daemon's Pov.

"I don't know how I survived the fall and the ice spear or even if I did. All I know is that I saw flashes of the future that would come if I didn't change it." I say as I look at her. While they all look at me in disbelief, and I don't blame them.

"Start from the beginning, your grace." Varys says, and I give him a hesitant nod.

"He was aiming for Viserion, i-i couldn't let him kill him he's my child, so I jumped off Vhagar and took the spear myself before I fell into the lake." I say with a heavy breath.

"It was just dark after that, for I don't even know how long, I must have died ? No body could have survived that fall." I continue as I look at the people around me.

It's true nobody should have survived a spear and fallen down over a hundred yards, even if it was in a lake.

"No normal man should." Varys says, and I look at her. "I rose from the water after I don't even know how long, I didn't know if it was hours, days or weeks all I knew was that I needed to change the future that was set in stone. So I started walking toward the wall where our children found me. They flew me to a king's landing, where I gave the lanister army the chance to join me what they did. They knew they couldn't win this war. I-i wanted to come back to you but I was so consumed by anger about what I saw that I decided to stay away untill I knew you would all meet up here, and I set my plan into work to overthrow her with her own men." I say with a heavy breath.

"They would have never joined us in  the north, I saw it all they would have been ready for us, they would have killed, Daena and  Rhaegal when we would have returned back to Dragon Stone,Euron Greyjoy would have been waiting ." I continue, and I see her eyes widen.

"Your anger would start to consume you, but once we marched for the city, she killed Viserion, Baelor, and beheaded Missandei in front of our eyes." I whisper as I walk over to her.

Placing my hand on her cheek, I search her eyes, who has a tear fallen from them.

"Y-you went mad Danny, you brought the whole of King's Landing to ashes." I soflty whisper and her browser furrow as she takes a step away from me.

"I would never," She  says in disbelief, and I wish I could believe her, but I saw it, I saw her burn King's landing to ashes even after they sounded the surrender bell. She wouldn't stop, and I couldn't stop her in time.

"I saw it, but it's not gonna happen. I'm here, and I  won't let that be our faith." I say as I take another step towards her, but she shakes her head as she steps away.

"You're holding something back." She says, and I look down in shame. "I-i would have killed you." I whisper.

"I didn't wanna do it, but you just wouldn't stop, I pleaded with you, but you just kept going." I continue as I look slightly up at her and let our eyes meet. 

"Se mēre qilōni'll bond rūsīr zirȳ ry jāhor jemagon zirȳ syt ziry's se dārys qilōni'll tame se zaldrīzoti." Varys says, and I give him a slight nod.

"The one who will bond with them all will lead them for he's the King who'll tame the dragons."  Tyrion translates as I step closer to her.

"I saw a possible future. Do you wish for me to share it with you?" I soflty ask her with a small smile.

"You were just speaking of me becoming mad, and you killing me." She bites my way, and I take her hand in mine.

"A daughter and a son." I whisper, and her eyes slightly widen. "Daemon, you know I can't bear children." She says as she yanks her hand out of mine.

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