Part 34.

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Daemon's Pov.

"Your grace?" Harry asks me, and I turn slowly around to the group of people with wide eyes.

If he breaches that wall and what Jon Snow said was true about the size of his army, we will all be doomed.

"We are all finished." I say as I walk back over to them. "Harry, send word to John Snow. That I  invite him to Dragon Stone. We have things to discuss. And do it now!" I quickly say, and he gives me a nod before getting on his horse and riding back towards the gate.

"Ser Loras send word to Lady Olenna do the same thing." I continue before he also quickly gets away while I start pacing around.

"Greyworm, get the unsullied and Dorthraki on land we won't attack." I state as I look at him.

"I do not take orders from you." He states, and I send him a glare. "Lord Tyrion, send word towards Ellaria Sand invite her to Dragon Stone." I continue as I keep pacing around.

"We are all going to die." I mumble as I run my hand through my half long platinum hair.
Her men won't follow me, and if what Viserion said is true, we will need every last man we can get.

"All of this will be for nothing." I continue to mumble as I'm walking a hole into the sand.

"Daemon?" I hear behind me, and when I snap my head around, I see the Targaryen look at me in confusion. "Let your men come to land. I will not attack." I state, and she looks at me with a frown.

"You'll bend the knee?" She asks me with a raised brow, and I scoff at her words. The world we know may end, and she's talking about bending the knee!

"You'll suck my cock?" I counter and she clenches her jaw. "Father!" I hear the deep voice of Drogon, and soon all dragons fly our way.

"Are you guys alright?!" I yell as they slowly but surely start to land around us. "We are fine, Father, but the Night King is coming closer to their skeletons!" Vhagar replies, and I start to pace around again.

"Please tell me this is some sick joke of the gods." I mumble to myself. "We are sorry, Father." Baelor replies, and I shake my head.

"It's n-" I start, but I'm soon cut off by the voice of Tyrion. "Your grace?"

"Can you please keep that mouth of you  shut? I'm having a conversation with my children!" I yell as I send a glare in his direction.

"You can hear them?" The bald man asks me with wide eyes as the others have. "Viserion, how long will it take him to reach them?" I ask him as I ignore the others.

"A year at best there remains are hidden deep but he will find them." He replies, and I give him a nod. Absolutely fucked, we are absolutely fucked. It's a 3 full moon march towards WinterFell!

I'll have to wait for the others. We need to put our differences aside and save all the Realms. Otherwise, there will be no one to tule over.

"Let your ships dock, do as I said we will talk when everyone has arrived. I know you hate me, and I, despite you Queen of Nothing, but for now, please trust me." I say to her, and I see her give me a hesitant nod.


"Are you sure about this, your grace?" Harry asks me as of right now, me him, greyworm, Tyrion, Varys and the Targaryen stand around the painted table.

"No." I mumble as I look at the people around me while a raging Storm is happening around us.

"On a night like this, you came into the world." Tyrion says to the Targaryen, and I roll my eyes.

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