Part 27.

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Daemon's Pov.

Seeing the city of Meereen come into view, I look down at its port and see the Iron born ships. Guess they have chosen their side, I could let the queen know I'm already here by setting one of the ships on fire, but the dragons most likely won't help me.

"Get me to the pyramid drogon." I say, and he starts to fly towards it. She'll most like be in her precious throne room. She can have that one. I'll have the Iron Throne and the 7 kingdoms.

As Drogon latches his body around fhe pyramid he I think accidentally pulls a piece of that tumbles to the ground.

"Sorry." His deep voice says, and I shake my head as I get off his body and stand on the balcony.

"Stay close. We all know how fond your mother is off me." I say before pushing the wooden doors open and walking in. Seeing lord Tyrion look in my direction, his eyes widen while the Targaryen sits on her throne.

"Well, hello, queen of nothing. " i say with a smirk as her head whips in my direction.

"Gaurds!" She yells, and before I even know it, a lot of unsullied match into the room as they point their spears at me. See, immediately she has her men point their weapons in my direction.

"You should know. My children would destroy this whole town if your men lay one finger on me." I state with a small smirk as I look at her, and I see Fire dance in her eyes again.

"My children will not harm me." She states as I see her try her hardest not to show any emotion in her voice or face, but I know she's practically fuming right now.

"It seems like we found Daemon BlackFyre, your grace." Tyrion says, and I give him a nod. "Indeed lord Tyrion, tell me, have you been looking long for me? " I ask him with a smirk as the tension in the room begins to grow.

"Perhaps who knows." He replies with a shrug, and I give him a humm. "Before you try to order your men for my head again, which won't work because of my children. I'm here for a reason." I state as i look at the Targaryen.

"You're here to step away from the claim you think you have and bend the knee." She says, and I couldn't help myself as I start to laugh at her words.

She must be even madder than I thought if she thinks I'm here to bend the knee for a Targaryen.

"No, but if you would like to bend the knee for me or perhaps bend over your so-called throne, I wouldn't mind." I say with a smirk, and it only feuls the fire in her eyes.

""I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons. And I will never bend the knee to a BlackFyre who thinks he has a claim to something that's rightfully mine." She says with fire, and I give her a shrug.

"So, mother of dragons, how are your children? You probably don't know because they've been with me ." I state, and she marches over to me.

"Feisty, I like it." I continue with a smirk as she looks as if any second she'll explode into a sea of flames.

"You're no King, my dragons will never follow you, and you'll never sit on the Iron Throne." She bites my way, and I give her a sly smile.

"We can fight for the upcoming hours or days, but I came here for a reason, so send your men away so we can talk." I state, and she must not like getting giving orders.

"Bend the knee, and I'll listen to your words." She says, and I give her a shurg. "Show me your cunt and I'll think about it." I counter and before she can slap me this time I catch her hand in time.

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