Part 40.

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Daemon's Pov.

Walking into the chamber of the painted table I place my hands down on it with a heavy breath we've been back for some days and the dragons are becoming more and more anxious and it fuels my own.

He'll find then he's so close i just known it. The Dornish army has already started marching North since their journey will be the longest. Lady Olenna has readied the 40 000 men who are ready  to march when they get my signal.

"You seen troubled your grace." Varys says as he walks over, and I give him a shurg.

"I've said it before if these things didn't trouble me i shouldn't lead about anyone, I do not wish to send the men who follow me into a bloodbath, just as I don't wish to send my children into one. But I know that if we do not fight him with everything we have, we will all die, innocent people." I simply say as I grab the pieces and start moving them towards WinterFell.

"Before the golden company dropped their banner and followed yours, I've never heard about Daemon BlackFyre." He says, and i give him a shrug.

"I was a young boy when my parents died of a sickness the last words my father said where Never forget who you are, Daemon BlackFyre. Find the place on the map and fulfill your destiny. So that's what I did the map he gave me. I followed it for years until the dragons let me to its location." I start before I take a sip of wine.

"I found the eggs, BlackFyre, and a contract binding the golden company to me. But i wanted them to follow me for me and not because of my house. The Realms have been in choas for a long time, I just wish I could make my ancestors proud by putting a BlackFyre on the throne but I want people to not fear me or my children I want to bring peace and prosperity to all the kingdoms." I simply say as I place the cup down again.

"I sought you out first after I left King's Landing. You never replied, why?" He asks me, and I give him a shrug.

"Every man, woman, and child has their own motivation to do certain things. You sought me out because you're scared the Targaryen madness runs through her, too. Lord Tyrion, even if his loyalties lie with her, his family will always blind him in  thinking the best of them. I didn't make a council because I followed  my gut. If I let myself be clouded by the council of some with other motives, I'm not worthy of the crown. The fat stag was king, yet the whole realm was being led by everyone but him." I simply say, and he gives me a small nod.

"Do you think it runs through her, your grace?" He asks me, and I close my eyes for a second as I take a deep breath.

"Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, the gods toss the coin in the air, and the world holds its breath to see how it will land. I think her coin landed in  the middle. She could be great, but her emotions could push her towards madness. When that happened, I'll take care of Daenerys Targaryen."


"My sister has agreed to a meeting, your grace." Tyrion  says as he walks onto the beach. I've been spending my time with the dragons. It calms my mind and theirs for some reason.

"And how did that happen, Lord Tyrion? I may be busy, but I noticed  your absence." I simply say as I lay against Daena.

"I sailed to King's Landing with the Onion knight, your grace." He says, and I Humm at his words as I close my eyes and place my arms behind my head.

"She'll probably think I'll step away from my claim. So tell me, Lord Tyrion, what should I do with her after we've dealt with the Night King if we survive?" I simply say.

"That is up to you, your grace." He states, and I open one of my eyes as I look at him. "My army consists of 300 000 men tell me lord Tyrion if I would let them all take turns on your sister, if I would let all the horses take turns on your sister you would stand by that." I simply say as I keep one eye open.

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