Part 41.

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Daemon's Pov.

It's been almost a week  since Jon has left, and the more time passes, the more nervous I become. I do have to say  I haven't seen Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal for some time.

As well as the dragons have all been suspiciously silent. I must be making things up in my head. They are probably hunting or resting somewhere.

"Your grace!" Harry yells as he runs into my chambers. "She left on Drogon with Viserion and Rhaegal!" He yells, and what in all the hell is he talking about?!


"A Raven came from Jon Snow they are surrounded by the dead. She's gone off to help them." Harry yells, and my jaw clenches.

"The dragons can't pass the wall." I state as I walk towards the balcony. "Father, there may be a way for her to pass."  Baelor says, and you have got to be playing games with me!

"You all told me only old dragons whose magic is fading are able to pass!" I yell as they fly my way. "The magic inside of her is growing stronger  by the day just like the magic is you is growing Father. Maybe it can be enough for her and our brothers to pass the wall." Rhaella says, and I clench my jaw even harder.

"Harry sent the Ravens let them all march to The Twins. Vallar, Daena, and Rhaella, you'll escort the army. Baelor, Vhagar, you are with me." I say as the fire inside of my body starts to grow.

"Your grace, you can't -" Harry starts, but I soon cut him off. "I am, and I will. Now,  sent the Ravens!" I yell before I jump off the balcony and land on top of  Vhagar.

"We head north and now!" I yell, and the two dragons start flying north.

Stupid, self-centered idiotic Targaryen! Has she lost her fucking mind?! Flying past the wall, and whats the horse shit about the magic inside of us growing! If I get my hands on her she doesn't have to worry about the Night King I'll lock her in a fucking room for who knows how long.

"We are sorry father." Baelor says and I shake my head. "I don't want to hear it, you guys should have told me she left. Just fly."


Seeing the wall come into view I release a shaky breath. "Did she pass it?" I ask and well I think I already know the anwser. But I wish to all the gods she hasn't passed it with our children.

"She has father." Vhagar says and the fire inside of my body continues to grow and grow. I can't feel the cold I can only feel  the fire burning inside of me at this moment.

"Find them!" I yell and before I even know it we fly over the wall with both dragons releasing loud screeches. We need to find them, I need to find my children and the Targaryen.

As we've been flying for some time, my eyes soon widen as I see hundreds of thousand if not millions of the undead. While Drogon sits in the middle of a frozen lake with Viserion and Rhaegal breathing fire on them.

There are so many. How can we ever defeat them?! We are all doomed once they pass the wall.

As Baelor and Vhagar release a loud roar, we fly over them, and all heads, well, living heads snap in our direction .

"Dracarys!" I yell to  the dragons as we fly over the millions of undead.

As Vhagar and Baelor begin to spew fire on the  undead, I see Jon still killing them while the others get ready to mount Drogon. We need to get out of here and fast before someone gets hurt or even worse killed.

"We are -" Viserion starts, but I soon cut him off as we fly through the sky while the dragons spew fire.

"I don't want to hear it, Viserion!" I yell at the top of my lungs. She took our children to the most dangerous place there is right now, and she didn't even have the balls to talk to me about it.

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