Part 52.

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Daemon's Pov.

"Father!" Vhagar's voice  booms in my head as the dragons fly over WinterFell. Please don't, just say he fell into a pit of lava and his whole army followed him into it.

"He's found then!" Viserion says, and my eyes widen as I start running towards the Great Hall. Pushing the doors open, I see most of the lords and ladies. And all heads snap in my direction.

"He found them." I breaths out, and all eyes widen. "Get the wall finished, finish  the catapults and trebuchets. I don't care how many hours or men  you need but get it  finished!" I yell, and Yara runs out of the hall with some other lords.

"How long do we have your grace?" Tyrion asks me. "A fortnight at best." I say as I walk further into the hall. "Jaime, Harry, make sure all the men are behind the walls." I say, and they also give me a nod.

"Jon, destroy  the entrance of the crypts." I start, but Tyrion cuts me off .

"The crypts? We were gonna hide the women and children there, your grace."

"Have you lost your mind?! He resurrects the dead there are hundreds of dead Starks lying underneath us, destroy the entrance. The women and children will be kept here." I state  is he dumb or stupid? Wanting to hide the woman  and children in a place filled with hundreds of dead Starks. 

"For the rest of you, you know what needs to be done. Get it done!" I say before I walk out the hall again.

A fortnight at best, that's all we have before we possibly will all die before the realm will be destroyed if we don't succeed.  If I fly to his army, I can destroy it, right? Or at least take a good portion out? Me and the dragons we can do alot of damage fire kills them so let's set these fuckers on fire.

Marching towards the gate I'm soon stopped by a voice. "I know what you are planning to do." Releasing a deep breath I continue to walk before I hear the voice of Bran again.

"If you go now, you'll give him what he wants."

"And you expect me to sit here and wait untill he has us completely circled?!" I bite his way as I turn around.

"If you fa-" He starts, but I soon cut him off as the fire in my body begins to grow.

"I don't want to hear about these fucking Prophecies they can all suck my cock." I bite his way as  Sansa walks over to me.

"Why is it me? The faith of the realms can't be in the hands of one man." I bite before I  shake my head and start walking away from him.

Fucking Prophecies, stupid night king. What does he even want from me?! It can't all depend on one man.

Marching back towards my chambers, I feel the fire continue to grow in me as I throw the wooden table over. Before grabbing the chair and making it connect with the stone wall.

"Your grace." I hear from behind me, and when I trun around to probably curse the person out, I see Sansa looking at me with wide eyes. "I wish to be alone." I state as I sit down on the bed and place my head in my hands.

"I know you're worried." I hear her say, and I send a glare her way. "Worried? I have 340 000 men out there getting ready to fight an army of people who are already dead, I have my children who are gonna have to fight the biggest dragon  there ever was and another huge mother fucker who ate other dragons. So yes, lady Sansa, I'm worried. " I bite her way as I  stand up again.

Worried, she says.

"These men  follow yo-" She starts but I soon cut her off. "And what if following me leads them to their deads! What if following me will get my children killed? Will get the whole of Westeros killed! I'm not worth following." I bite her direction as I trow the nearby chair into  the wall.

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