Part 57.

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Daemon's Pov.

As the night has fallen, I walk over to the dragons with Dany beside me. Grabbing her wrist, she comes to a stop, and I take the dragon glass dagger out.

"If anything happens to you, I will never forgive myself, Dany." I say as I hand her the dagger. "Didn't you more than once have your hand around me troath." She states, and I shake my head with a chuckle.

"We both know deep down you liked it, but im serious. Be safe. you're carrying the most precious thing we've ever could have asked for." I soflty say as I place my hand on her stomach.

"We will keep her safe father." Drogon says as he, Rhaella, Vallar, and Daena release a small screech.

"You make sure you're safe, and Daemon for once don't jump of a dragon." She says  as she takes the dagger from me.

"Dany, I can't make that promise, I'll do whatever it takes to kill him. " I say as I place my hands on her hips.

Leaning down, I place my lips against hers in a slow kiss, but one that holds all my feelings for her. As she kisses me back , I hear the horn that indicates the wrights are being seen, and we pull apart.

"I love you." I soflty say as I walk her over to Drogon and help her up. "I love you to Daemon BlackFyre." She says with a sad smile.

Walking over to Vallar, I get on her and take a deep breath.

"You all know what to do. We take out as much of his army while we can. Once the Cannibal and Balerion with the Night King show themselves, Dany you Drogon, Rhaella, Deanna, and Vallar take him out, we can't let them breathe whatever they have on our men. Baelor, Viserion, Rheagal, and Vallar are with me. we will deal with Balerion. Be safe and watch over eachoter and just know I love you all." I say as I look at my wife and our children.

"We love you too, Father." They almost all say at the same time.

"Let's go." I soflty say, and they all push their bodies of the ground as we fly into the dark night sky. Looking down, I see the men, the walls, catapults, trebuchets, and the many torches, and we can only hope it will be enough.

Flying over the part where Harry is, I soon hear the men begin chanting my name, and in  the distance, I see thousands Wright's run over.

Making our way over to them, the dragons fly down, and I close my eyes before yelling.


And with that, it has begun as the dragon's spew fire on the army of deaths, seeing them all catch fire I hold tight onto Vallar as we fly over while my other children are also spewing their fire onto them, and if it was just the Wright's we would be in the clear but I know eventually he'll come out with his two dragon's and that's what could ruin us all  if we don't take them out. 

Looking back I see Drogon fly over the side behind WinterFell with the smaller dragon's, and like I've predicted his army is circling us in, but we will succeed, we will win, because unlike them we have something to fight for, our children, our wife's, our country!

He's close I just know it I feel it in my bones, just like a fucking storm that's coming in the distance and we can only pray that it won't come our way.

Looking down as Vallar still spews fire on the Wright's that seem  like an endless wave of dead I just hope we can do enough damage to even the playing field when me and the dragons have to retreat.

Seeing the fire balls of the catapults and trebuchets fly in  the two directions Dany and I  aren't, I release a shaky breath as we still fly over the Wright's. If he does take us out, everything will be lost, I've gathered all the armies here so if we do fall no realm has the men to stop his army because he'll probably resurrect all of us and the dragons if they where to fall.

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