Part 9.

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Daemon's Pov.

3 months later.

Everything has been going well, we've started to build the ships, and almost everyone here is wearing the colors of House BlackFyre. People call me your grace and King it makes me cringe to be honest, but well, in their eyes, I am their king? I just hope I can make my father and ancestors proud that finally a BlackFyre will sit on the thore. Well, we can hope, right?

Hearing a loud screech, I run out the tent with BlackFyre in my hand as I hear my men start to yell in fear.

"Drogon!" I say with wide eyes as I see the well large dragon land next to Vhagar and Baelor. What is he doing here? If he is here, then where are his brothers? And what is she feeding that thing like gods? It's getting huge! Well, to he honest, Baelor and Vhagar have been growing like crazy but still, they are smaller them Drogon.

Seeing him rub his head against the Teo other dragons, I walk over to him with a soft smile. "It's been a long time, my friend." I say as I hold my hand out, and he puts his snout against it.

"Your grace." Harry says with wide eyes as he tries to walk in my direction, but he quickly stops as drogon roars in his direction.

"It's alright, Harry, he's my friend." I say with a smile as I rub the dragons nose. I missed him and his siblings, sure their mother is a massive cunt but they are like my own in a way? I don't know it's hard to explain.

"I do not wish to disturb you, your grace but your armour is ready." Harry says with a bow and I pull away from Drogon. Harry has been bugging me about getting a custom set of armour since I'm their king and all that stuff I well declined more then onces but he kept bringing it up untill I agreed.

"I'll be right back my friend catch up with your other family." I say with a smile before walking away from Drogon. Why is he here? And where in the 7 hells are Rheagal and Viserion? I hear word from Meereen she still sits on that throne, she can have fun I'll take Dragon Stone and put my banner on it.

Walking into the tent with Harry my eyes widen at the set of armor. "It's beautiful." I breathe out as I run my fingers over the red chest plate.

"Let me help you put it on, Daemon." Harry says, and I give him a nod. He's been getting more comfortable with calling me Daemon when we are in private.

"He's one of the Targaryens dragons?" Harry asks me and I give him a nod. "Why not take them for yourself?" He continues and well I get his point.

"They respect me and I respect them but the bond they have with their mother I could never take that away, I'll take her throne, I'll take Dragon Stone from her but her dragons will never truly be mine if they keep having the bond with their mother. Just like mine will never be hers because I'm their father." I state as Harry start putting the armour on my body.

"They could destroy armies in seconds." He states and I give him a nod. "They could but even when she ordered it they have never harmed me, and I do not think they'll ever harm my men." I say and he looks at me for a second.

"Don't worry Harry she'll die but first I'll make sure she'll see me take the Iron throne from her." I say with a small smirk.

"I follow you Daemon."


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