Part 16.

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Daemon's Pov,

We've been flying for days, at least now we are flying over land again. I don't think I can see the sea anymore. As a young boy, i always wanted to sail a ship, but now that I have, I'd rather never do it again.

Seeing a large flees shoot fireballs towards Meereen, my eyes widen as I look in the direction of Viserion.

"You've lied to me. Why are we here!" I yell his way, hearing two more roars. I soon see Drogon and Rheagal fly out way.

"He did not lie father, mother was taken, but  now she is here." Drogona says, and I scoff at the dragons.

"Take me home, Vhagar ." I state, but she soon has to duck as a large fire ball barely dodges us.

"She needs your help, Father!" Rheagal says as they keep flying towards the pyramid. This has to be some joke.

"She can fend for herself!" I yell at him as we dodge through the fireballs who are destroying Meereen. There are so many innocent people down there. 

As Vhagar lands on the side of the pyramid I hold on for dear life, she doesn't need my help. In all the hells, I do not wish to even help her.

"Father, please, we will explain later!" Baelor says, and I slide off Vhagar. "She'll have my head the second I  walk in!" I yell at the dragons who screech at my words.

"We won't let them harm you." Viserion says, and I place my hand on the hilt of BlackFyre. "If anything happens, I'm disowning you all!" I yell at them, here I am ready to walk into the throne room of Meereen that's probably filled with unsullied, the Targaryen, and her advisors. What a way to get myself killed, stupid dragons.

I love them to death, and I'll do anything to protect them, but that doesn't mean I wish to do the same for their so-called mother.

"We promise to keep you safe." Drogon says, and I turn in  the direction of the wooden double door.

Pushing the door opens, I walk in with a smirk as all spears are turned in my direction. Seeing the Targaryens head snap in my direction, I hold the hilt of BlackFyre.

"Well, hello, Queen of nothing, how are you on this beautiful morning." I say with a smirk as the tension in the room starts to grow.

"Capture him!"  She orders, but before the unsullied can even take one step forward, Drogon releases a loud roar as he sticks his massive head through the doors.

"I would not try that. You see, I'm here because they've requested my help." I say with a shrug as i look at the Targaryen.

"Daemon BlackFyre." The imp says, and I quirk my brow at him. "Lord Tyrion Lannister, I saw your sister some time ago." I say with a smirk, and I see his eyes slightly widen.

"Why are you here!" The Targaryen bites my way as the unsullied keep their spears pointed at me. "Did you not listen? They want me to help you for reasons unknown." I say  with a shrug.

"I do not need your help. Your claim is worth nothing. You'll never be more than Daemon BlackFyre house of the bastards." She bites my way, and Drogon screeches in her direction.

"He does not like it when you insult his father, but you must have missed my company." I say, and I see the fire start to dance in her violet eyes again.

"Where are Viserion and Rhaegal" She bites my way, and I  give her a shrug that only seems to fuel the fire inside of her.

"I've sended them home months ago if they chose not to show themselves thats up to them. You've betrayed their trust. You've put them in chains. All because you're in over your head and don't respect your so-called children." I say as I walk closer to her with a grin on my face.

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