Part 18.

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Daemon's Pov.

"We found a lost prophecy, father." Viserion says, and I raise my brow at him, great more riddles that won't be awnserd.

"And what did it say? " I ask  him with a shake of my head. "The one who'll bond with them all  will lead them, for  he is the King who'll tame the dragons." Rhaegal says, and my brows furrow. On the chest, I found the eggs in water written, King, who'll tame the dragons. What does it all mean? It can't be a coincidence, right?

"What does it mean?" I ask  them as well. I'm just confused now. "The prophecy said there would come a man from old Valyrian blood who would be able to bond with all dragons. He would be able to communicate with them." Rheagal says, and I start to pick at the grass.

"The rest was destroyed. We are sorry, Father." Drogon says, and I give them a small nod. "And you think I'm the one of the prophecy?" I ask them as I look down at the grass while I keep picking at it.

"We follow your command. We are able to speak with you. There have never been a story of more them one dragon being bonded like this with a rider."  Baelor says as he flaps his wings in excitement.

"You are my children, but I can't be the one of the prophecy." I state as I stand up. I  can't be right?

"You are, father, and you need to accept your destiny." Vhagar says, and I scoff at her words.

"How do you want me to  accept a destiny I know nothing about? How can I fulfill a prophecy we all know nothing about? I need to sail west and take the Iron Throne." I say with a bite as I look around me at the dragons.

"You need to find the eggs!" Drogon's voice loudly booms in my head as he flaps his wings in my direction, making me fall over from the force.

"What I need would be some awsers Drogon!  I'm hearing voices in my heads that belong to dragons! You want me to protect the Targaryen whor-" I start, and they all screech loudly in my direction.

"If you wanted to kill me, you already would have done it, do not challenge me knowing you won't follow through!" I bite their way as I feel the fire in my body start to grow again.

"You will find those eggs even if we have to drag you to the north!" Baelor screeches my way, and I turn in his direction.

"And then what give my enemies more time to  strengthen their armies? I do not know if you heard, but she just gained 70,000 Dothraki." I bite in his direction as the heat onky continues to grow.

"Send your army west while you head north, father." Vhagar begs with me, and I run my hand through my hair.

"You guys ask of me to fly north and find eggs who we don't even know where they lay? The north don't like the people who even resemble a Targaryen, and you want me to fly to them." I state as I look at them with  a shake of my head.

Have they lost their minds?  Asking me to fly north, to find some eggs, we do not know the location off.

"We need to find them, father."  Baelor says, and I release a deep breath before I say the words that I hopefully won't regret.

"We will fly to Braavos. After everything is settled, my men can sail west. We will head North in search of the eggs." I mumble, and they'll all release an excited screech as they flap their wings, making me fly 10 yard's back as I land into the grass with a loud groan.

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