Part 60.

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Daenerys Pov.

Walking out of WinterFell with Missandei and Ser Jaime next to me, I take a heavy breath. They've all worked too hard to build the pyres and clean up, but still, my pain only became more when I saw the lifeless body of Ser Jorhan, Harry, and so many more.

Death comes with war, but my heart can't take any more, I've lost two of my children, a man  who has stood by my side for a long time, and the man I love. 

Ser Jaime has remained outside my chambers all night, he murderd my father but after all the stories I've heard about him trough the years I believe he was truly mad and maybe death was a mercy on him and the people. Everything that had happened after that has led us here, the war of 5 kings, my journey in Essos freeing Slavers bay, and Daemon's journey a orphan from a house that was died out but yet there he was.

Daemon BlackFyre, the King of Dragons.

Standing next to Ser Jaime and Missandei as my eyes move towards the largest Pyre where Deamon lays upon, I close my eyes for a second as my hands move to my stomach.

"We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women
who set aside their fight together... and die together so that others might live.Everyone in this world
owes them a debt that can never be repaid.It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory...for those who come after us...
and those who come after them...
for as long as men draw breath.
They were the shields that guarded the realms of men.And we shall never see
their like again." Jon Snow says before, and Jaime takes a step forward and looks at the thousands of people behind us.

"We are here to honor our deaths, but not only them, we are here to honor a man  who did many impossible things. A man who was able to ride more than once dragon.... who could speak  with them, he brought us here all together, he made us see that we aren't just our banners but we are all children of Westeros and have a duty to protect it, to put the past behind us and to work together. A man  many would have called mad for jumping off of dragons for fun, but Daemon BlackFyre showed us he didn't wish to concur with blood and fire but with love and loyalty. He will go down in history as an honorable man who saved the realms from an endless night, and for that, we all have a debt to Daemon BlackFyre, the King of Dragons we could never repay." Ser Jaime says loudly as I hold back my tears.

"To Daemon BlackFyre!" He yells, and soon I hear thousands of people start chanting his name. 

Hearing roars fill the skies I let a small smile grow on my face, I know it's been hard on them its also been hard on me, losing Rhaegal,Daena and Daemon has been a toll on all of our hearts but I'm happy they came back to  say goodbye to their father.

As they landed around the large Pyre, I took a deep breath. Our ancestors would burn the death with Dragon Fire, and I'm sure our children wish to do the same. To pay their respects to their father.

Hearing their loud roars, they soon lean down as all 6 dragons blow massive waves of fire onto the Pyre that completely gets engulfed in flames in a matter of seconds.

But I think my whole heart just stopped as I saw the form of a man walk out of the sea of flames.

"His journey isn't over yet." The voice of Bran says, and my head snaps in his direction. "What?"

Turning my head back towards the Pyre I soon see naked form of Daemon walk out of the fire while the dragons stop breathing fire.

"H-hes alive?" Ser Jaime says with wide eyes as Deamon walks trough the unburnt pyres our way.

Seeing Ser Jaime get down on one knee I look around me to see everyone else doing the same.

Daemon's Pov.

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