Part 5

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Daemon's Pov.

Standing in the fire, my eyes widen, I don't feel  a thing? My clothes are burning off my body while we keep being engulfed by the flames.

"Fire!" I hear someone yell, but for some reason, I can't direct my eyes away from the violet ones in front of me.

As the tent around us also catches fire, the dragons soon stop, and we are both standing in the middle of the camp naked? God's more questions with no answers. Why didn't the fire hurt me? It should have burned me alive, and yet here I stand as does she.

"You didn't burn." She says with wide eyes, and I hear a crack coming from one off the eggs, shooting my eyes down they soon widen as both eggs start to hatch while a warm feeling runs through my body.

Seeing the red egg push a piece off its shell of I soon see a fire red dragon  crawl out . Looking at it,it makes  my whole body fill with love it looks no bigger than a small cat, but one day, they'll become strong.

" Your grace!" I hear somebody yell as the red dragon flaps its small wings at me before crawling on my arm before it finds its place on my shoulder.

"Stand down!" I hear her yell back while my eyes stay fixated on the second egg, who also looks like it's ready to come into the world.

"It's time to wake up, Vhagar." I whisper before I see the egg almost blow apart as a white dragon crawls out. Locking eyes with the small dragon, it puffs it chest out as me before flapping its wings.

Hearing the three, other dragons release some happy sounded screeches. I look at Vhagar with a smile.

"Baelor." I whisper as I feel the red dragon nuzzle its small snout against my cheek.

"Fetch us some clothes!" The Queen of nothing orders and I think I've just realized I'm standing here completely naked as my free hand quickly moves infront of my cock.

"They are beautiful." She says as she takes a step closer while I take one back. "Do not touch them!" I bite her way as I let my hard gaze meet hers. "I will not harm them." She soflty says as  she lets our eyes meet.

"Your grace." Missandei says as she quickly puts a robe around the Queen of nothing.  As Vhagar crawls up my arm, she finds her place in my hair, and I just feel like it's a girl. Don't ask me how, but it's like I just know, just like the names just came to me.

As Missandei holds out some leather like pants, I quickly take them with my free hand. "Turn around I do not wish for you to see my cock." I state to the Queen of nothing who rolls her eyes before turning around.

Pulling the pants up my body, I see the tent is practically burned to a crisp, making me quickly walk over to it. "Please don't be burned." I mumble to myself as I walk to what used to be my bed but is now just a small pile of rumble.

Searching through the pile of rumble, I release a shaky breath as I  feel the small chest. It holds the contract from the Golden Company, and my sword is still in the hands of Ser Barristan for now, at least. But losing the contract would be the end if I even do have plans to head towards Westoros, 20000 armend man and 2 dragons, I could concur land for me and the men an of the Golden Company if they swear loyalty to house BlackFyre. I could make my house great as it was always supposed to be.

Grabbing the small chest, I walk back over to the Queen of nothing who is talking to her advisors. Must be just as shocked as I am. The flames didn't hurt. My eggs hatched, and I'm now the father of two beautiful dragons who I'll protect with my life, I feel as if they are a part of me like theirs, an unspoken bond.

"They belong to you, Kaleeshi." I hear Ser Jorhan says, and before I can even awser the queen of nothing speaks. "They belong to Daemon. You do not know of the bond between a dragon and the person who hatched them." She says, and I raise my brow. She's gonna let me keep them? I would rain hell on her if she tried to take them, but still, she's not even trying?

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