Part 56.

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Daemon's Pov.

"We both wish to thank you all for joining us not just for our wedding but here in WinterFell to protect Westeros, even the unsullied and Dothraki who originate from Essos are here to help us and we can never repay them for that, now I wish you all to enjoy this evening,  drink, share stories, because me and my Queen are retreating to our chambers." I say as I stand up with a smile before looking at Dany and extending my hand for her.

As she takes it, I hear the cheers fill my ears before we both start walking towards my chambers.

Opening the door, she practically pulled me in before crashing her lips against mine. Kissing her back, her hands move over my coat as she lets it fall to the floor.

Placing my hands on her hips, I pull her closer to me as I deepen the kiss. Feeling her hands pull my tunic out of my trousers, her nails scratch my abdomen, making me release a small groan into the kiss.

"I want you to fuck me." She states as she disconnects our lips and starts taking her layers off, grabbing her chin her eyes search mine.

"No, I want to show you how much I love you." I say before placing a soft kiss against her lips.

Letting my hands move over her  layers is slowly start taking them off while my lips move over her jawline.

Reaching her dress I let my fingers dance over her arms before slowly pulling the straps down her shoulders.

"Daemon please." She softly moans out as she arches herself into me, letting the dress fall down her body I place my hands on her hips again as I slowly back her up to the bed.

As her legs hit the end of the bed she falls back on the many layers of furs, taking my tunic off I trow it into the candle lit roam while her eyes roams over my body.

Placing my hands on her things I push her legs apart before laying down between them. Releasing a groan at the sight of her dripping cunt, I pull her closer to me before placing a broad lick over her folds.

"F-fuck!" Dany moans out as her hand flies into my hair as I continue to lick up her juices, she tastes amazing bitter but sweet at the same time.

Grabbing her free hand with mine I intertwine our fingers together before pushing my tongue into her making a loud moan leave her lips as she arches into me.

Moving my tongue inside of her I think I must be something right by the volume of her moans and the hold she has on my hair. 

As she soon  start to clench around me I feel her fingers dig into my hand while her moans turn into squeals as her body starts to tremble underneath me.

"Daemon!" She yells as her back arches of the bed while she cums and I happily lick all of her juices up as i rub my thumb over her hand.

Hearing her whimper she pulls my hair and I move away from her cunt as I move to hover over her.

"Take of your clothes." She breaths out as she lets her hands move over my body and I give her lips a peck making her moan at the taste of herself.

Getting off the bed I take my boots and trousers off making my hard cock slap against my abdomen pulling a groan from my lips at the feeling.

Moving back to hover over her she instantly wraps her legs around me making my cock run trough her wet folds while the fire inside of me begins to grow.

"Daemon please." Dany whines and I soflty move my hips forward making my cock enter her cunt pulling a moan from both of our lips as she's already clenching around me.

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