Part 61.

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Daemon's Pov.

Seeing all the people celebrate the victory, I take a sip of my cup, we've won, but at what cost? 40 000 men and women have been laid to rest, they died so we could live, Daena and Rhaegal gave their lives so we could live and for that they will never be forgotten.

And then there is still the question that is what Jon Snow will do with the knowledge of his true parentage. I'm tired of the fighting, the plans I wish to enjoy the rest of my days with my wife and our children in a thriving Westeros.

"This man! He doesn't jump off one dragon. No, he jumps of many!" Tormund begins as he raises his cup and holds it in my direction.

"Killed two dragon's so big  they make giants piss their pants! " He continues, and I let a small smile form on my face as I see the half drunk man.

"A man who fought the Night King alone and died for it, most stay bloody dead.... most stay that way. What kind of person fights the Night King by himself? A madman or a king!" He loudly says before the crowded starts to cheer.

"Well, I said I would shove BlackFyre through him one way or another." I say as I stand up and down my cup.

"Now let us get drunk!" I yell before they all start cheering again. Sitting down again, I look at Dany with a small smile.

"You wish to get out of here?" I whisper in her ear, and she gives me a nod. Standing up I take her hand I  mine and we 'sneak' out of the hall, closing the door behind us as we step onto the snow while still many people around us are celebrating and sharing their stories she turns in my direction.

"Where are we going?" She asks me as I start walking us out of WinterFell. "Just somewhere peaceful." I soflty say as I see the dragons fly over us before they land at a large clearing.

I'm glad Viserion is oke, he will need to take it slow for a while, but he will be fine with time. Going into this war, I knew there was a possibility that my children could die but still actually losing Daena, and Rhaegal breaks my heart.

Stepping in the circle of dragons, I look around me and give them a smile.

"I wish to speak to you about Jon Snow." I say as I look back at Dany, and she lets a frown grow on her face. Better tell her the truth before she may hear it from anyone else.

"I love you, not Jon Snow." She says, and I tske her hands in mine.

"That I know, but Jon Snow's real name is Aegon Targaryen. His father was your brother Rhaegar, and his mother is Lyanna Stark. He never took her. They were in love." I soflty say, and her eyes widen as she takes a step back.

"T-that would make him the last Targaryen male heir? Daemon, everything we've worked for, where you've died for he could start another war." She says with wide eyes. Taking a step forward, I soflty grab her chin.

"I will not let him take what you have been sold of for, for what you've been raped and used for, your my queen Daenerys Targaryen from this day till the end of my days." I say before placing a soft kiss against her lips.

"The love, it's sickening." Drogon says before Vhagar speaks.

"As if you haven't been trying to charm me." She says, and I pull away from Dany with a laugh.

"Seems like little Drogon has a crush." I say through my laughter as I look at him while he huffs in my direction.

"What?" Dany asks with confusion as I wrap my arms around her. "Drogon has been trying to charm his way into Vhagar's heart." I say, and she looks between the two dragons.

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