Part 26.

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Daemon's Pov.

It's been some days since my arrival at Dragon Stone. The men are working hard on the defenses off the castle if the Targaryens does try to attack. I've sent a Raven towars, The Queen of Thorns, for a meeting. We need to discuss our plans for Westeros.  We need to be ready for the Targaryen wjo will probably sail towards Dragon Stone soon, we need to be ready for our war with Cercei, and when the North doesn't bend the knee for me we need to ready do bring them down on their knees.

"Drogon!" I yell as I stand by the cliff, and the dragons fly high above me. Seeing him fly down the ground shakes, he's gotten so big just like his siblings.

"Yes, father?" His deep voice asks as I rub my hand over the scales on his nose. "The eggs,do you guys need to set me on fire again before they'll hatch?" I ask him with a small frown.

I've been  thinking about it for days, I want them to hatch Vhagar and Baelor when Drogon, Viserion, and Rheagal set me on fire, so maybe it would work with these too

"I do not know father, you need mothers help for that." Drogon says, and my brow raises, I do  not need the Targaryen's help to hatch my children.

"I do not need her help." I state, and I see the other dragons also land around me. "You're our father, and she's our mother. You need to hatch them together." Viserion says, and my head snaps in his direction.

"You guys hatched without me, so I'll hatch these without her." I  state, and he lowly growls in my direction.

"Do not try me, Viserion. "  I state as I look him in his large eyes. "You need to fly to  her and ask her to help you hatch the eggs." Baelor states, and I scoff at his words.

"Did  you all forget I'm a BlackFyre and she's a Targaryen? we are on different sides of this war, and if it comes down to it, I'll put an end to her." I state, and they all screech in my direction.

"Enough! I don't need her help!" I say before I  start to walk away from the dragons who roar in protest before flying off again. 

Walking in my chambers, I make my way over to the fire that the eggs lay in, and I sit down in front of them.

"I want you guys to hatch. Believe me, I do, but I can  not ask for help from the Targaryen." I soflty say as I look at them. 

Hearing a knock on the door, I take a deep breath before saying. "Enter" 

"Your grace." I hear Harry say as he walks into my chambers. "Harry, please sit." I state as j motion to the spot next to me, and I hear his steps come closer until he takes a seat next to me while I keep looking at the eggs.

"You know Harry, i never had a friend, I'm glad to call you one." I say with a small smile. It's true ever as a young boy I never had any friends because I was scared to show people my hair and eye color.

But Harry, he's a friend to me, I trust him. He was the leader of the Golden Company, and he chose to put their banner down and follow mine.

"I'm glad to call you my friend too, your grace." Harry says, and I playfully roll my eyes at his words.

"The dragons are in protest. They want me to fly to Meereen to let the Targaryen help me hatch the eggs. They believe I won't be able to hatch then alone." I say as I look at the three eggs again. 

"Your king of the dragons, you and the Targaryen are on different sides of this war. I'll always want a BlackFyre to sit on the Iron Throne, but dragons, thought, to be lost and yet 5 fly above Dragon Stone right now while 3 eggs lay in front of us." Harry states, and my eyes stay fixated on the eggs where flames dance around.

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