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Daemon's Pov.

"VISENYA!" I yell as I see my 6 year old daughter jump off of Rhaella before she lands on Baelor's back.

This girl is going to give me a heart attack one day.

"As if you didn't do the same." Baelor says as he lands down while the sound of giggles fill my ears.

"Not the time! Baelor." I state as Visenya slides off of his massive body, and I pick her up.

"Did you see that father?" She asks me with big eyes as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Yes, and what have I told you about it?" I sternly say, making her give me a pout. "But father, you do the same." She whines out, and I have to stop my eyes from rolling.

"But I'm the king of dragons." I state with a raised brow, and she grabs my cheeks before letting her violet eyes meet mine. "You said me and Aemon are the prince and princess of dragons." She states, and I shake my head as I climb on top of Baelor with my daughter.

"Just hold on ." I mumble before Baelor pushes his body off the ground, and we start to fly over King's Landing while she holds her arms out.

The years have been peaceful, Lady Sansa had become Warden of the North, and so far, the relationship between us has been good. The realms are at peace. We've expanded our trades with Essos.  It's like the tension of war has gone away. People live together in peace, even houses that would have made it seen impossible many years ago.

Jon Snow he wished to go beyond the wall with the Wildings, and I let him go, his place isn't here, he seems more at ease with them and if his journey has led him there I hope he lives a long and good life.

The unsullied and Dothraki had a choice, they didn't belong here, they came because their queen asked them but after the war we gave them the choice to return to their home lands, many have taken that chance, but some have remained like Greyworm and Missandei I think they just wished to remain by their Queen, they do make a funny couple with their differences but they love eachoter and that's all that matters.

I rember when the people would look up in  fear when my children would fly over King's Landing but now it doesn't even bother them anymore, sure we burnt down the scept but besides that we never gave them another reason to fear us.

"Drogon, catch us!" I yell, and we fly over the red keep, and he soars underneath us. "Yes!" Visenya yells, and I release a chuckle before tightly wrapping my arms around her.c

"I'm your mother sees we are dead." I say, and she releases a giggle before I let us slide off of Baelor. Falling through the sky as I hold my daughter tight while her giggles fill my ears, we soon land on Drogon, who flies down towards the Keep.

"Again!" Visenya yells as Drogons large body lands, and he bends down, making us be able to slide off him.

"Have fun, Father!" Drogon says before quickly flying off.

"Daemon BlackFyre! What have I told you about jumping off them, especially with our daughter!" I hear that voice I love yell, and I gulp down.

"Oh, oh." Visenya says with wide eyes as we see Dany march out as she holds our 4 year old son on her hip.  "She was already doing it." I say, and Visenya jumps out my arms before running over to her mother.

"No father started it." She says as she takes Dany's free hand. This child is something else.

"Did he, now?" Dany says with a raised brow as she looks at me . "I next!" Aemon says as he makes grabby hands in my direction.

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