Part 17.

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Daemon's Pov.

So  the plan is they'll set up a meeting with the slavers while I'll fly in with the dragons, atleast I got a leather vets wouldn't wanna fly into a battle that's not mine half naked. Before we take out a portion of their fleet until they'll surrender.

"Wait for my signal." I say to the dragons, I'll fly in with Vhagar and Drogon before the other 3 will join us.

I do have to say Baelor and Vhagar are about the size of Drogon they've grown so much since they hatched. I remember how small they were, and now they are massive. Beautiful but also very destructive when they want.

When  she said she wanted to burn  down the city, it scared me. She has the needs for it just like me. But that doesn't mean we should use it. The guilty shall pay, and true every war has innocent casualties, but talking about burning down whole cities is just madness. I went to King's Landing with Baelor and Vhagar, but I didn't burn it down to ashes, and here the Targaryen is talking about burning whole city's down. She has a madness in her and in times like this it shines trough for the sake of her people I hope Tyrion will be able to hold her down, otherwise only the gods know what kind of damage she'll be able to do.

"Let's go!" I say to Vhagar as we start flying towards the meeting.

"We will wait for your signal, father."  Viserion says as Vhagar and Drogon fly through the skies as I hold on to  her blue spikes.

Flying over the platform, I see the slavers duck down in fear as Drogon lands on an overlooking structure while Vhagar lands next to the Targaryen.

"Are you ready?" I ask  her with a smirk as Drogon jumps down, and she walks over to him.

Seeing her get up, Vhagar releaes a loud roar in the direction of the slavers who cower in fear, and I wouldn't blame them if I would be on that  side.

"Let's go." I order to the dragons who fly off again.

"Rheagal! Viserion! Baelor!" I loudly yell as we fly over the city of Meereen that's in complete choas right now.

Hearing three more screeches soon, the other dragons will join us as we start to move towards the direction of the slavers fleet.

Flying over the fleet, we hiver about a ship, and I look down at it while the men look at us in fear.

"Dracarys." I loudly say, making the dragons start spewing fire at it as loud screams fill my ears. Seeing the ship be completely engulfed in fire, Vhagar moves over to the next one with  Viserion beside us while Baelor and Rhaegal stay close to the Targaryen.

As a fire ball flies our way, Vhagar dodges it before flying over to the ship with a loud screech.

"Take it down." I say, and she starts spewing fire on the ship again.


A big part of the fleet has been destroyed. She has gained a large army of Dothraki, and I need to head back. The longer I wait, the stronger she may become. The only advantage I have is that my ships should be as good as ready and the support of the Reach.

But who knows who'll side with the Targaryen. I've gathered my stuff, and I just want awnsers from the dragons. Once I leave Meereen, they'll give them to me.

I have so many quistions and I just wish they'll have some answers. Why was on that  chest the King who'll time the dragons ? Why am I able to communicate with them? Or even better, why do  they want me to keep  the Targaryen safe? She's not my problem and never will be. And yet here I am, walking towards the throneroom of Meereen.

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