Chapter 1

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At Sumettikul family house..

Bible pov..

Bible groan as he feel someone kiss his cheek.. Bible open his eyes and see a little girl with a beautiful face is sitting beside him while keep kissing his cheek.. The little girl then say.. 'Uncle Bible.. Uncle Bible.. Please wake up!We already late! Today is Uncle Mile and Aunty Nan wedding!' Thong appear out of nowhere and sit beside Bible as well then stroke his younger brother hair gently and say.. 'Bible.. Please wake up now.. Mom and Dad already waiting for you..' Bible wake up and sit up properly then reply back 'Phi.. Do you mind If you give them an excuse? I don't want to go there.. How come do you expect me to attend their wedding after what Phi Mile had done towards Phi Apo? Look at Phi Apo now.. What the hell is happening to him right now..' Thong daughter, Lily hug Bible arms and say..' Oh.. Please Uncle Bible.. Please come with us hmm? 'Bible sigh heavily and stroke Lily head then reply back..' Fine.. I will go.. But don't blame me if I out of control later 'Thong shake his head and say..' Please Bible.. For our family sake...I know.. Deep down inside of your heart.. You really care about Apo.. Phi care about him as well... 'Bible look at Thong with a sadness in his eyes and walk slowly towards the bathroom then lock the door to take a shower.. Thong kiss Lily forehead and say..' My little Lily.. Let's go downstairs and have a breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma ok? 'Lily nod happily and follow her father to go downstairs..

At the kitchen...

Thong and Lily walk towards the kitchen and see the food and drink already serve on the table.. Mr Sumettikul then ask' Oh.. Thong.. Where is Bible? We can't be late.. Today is Mile's wedding day..'Mrs Sumettikul then reply back' I hope everything will going well today'.. Thong nod his head and say.. I really hope so.. Im worry about Bible the most.. Everything that happened 1 year ago are still fresh in his mind.. We won't know what will happen at the wedding later.. Im also not sure how will Bible react after this...Suddenly... Bible appear and sit beside his dad and start eating without saying any of the words... Mrs Sumettikul stroke Bible head gently and say.. 'Bible.. I hope you will behave yourself ok? What is happened.. Its already happened.. Please don't embarrass our family.. Thats all I ask from you..'Bible smile and say..' Ma.. Actually.. Im not interested to attend on this wedding.. But I had to..What choice do I still have then? You guys will keep forcing me to attend.. Even though I refuse.. Don't get too much hope... You guys need to remember.. Phi Apo suffered because of that bastard.. And I won't forgive him easily just like you guys did..'Bible roll his eyes and get up from the chair and walk towards the front door and wear his socks and shoes.. Thong then ask..' Aren't you coming with us Bible? 'Bible nod slowly and reply back..' Hurry up! We gonna be late!.. All of them leave the house and attend to the wedding..

At psychiatry hospital..

Apo pov...

Apo is sitting on his bed while staring at the window with an empty gaze... Apo then say.. 'Phi Mile... Phi Mile my love... Please come here and save me.... Save me from this place... Please take me out of here... I want to go home....' The nurse (Lira).. Come towards Apo and slowly touch his shoulders and say.. 'Hello nong Apo... How are you feeling today hmm?' Apo look at Lira and scratch his head and ask... 'W.. Who are you?!.. Go away! Mile! I want Phi Mile! Phi Mile! Please save me!' Apo suddenly push the nurse towards the wall and manage to escape from the hospital.. Lira quickly run out from the wards and bump into Dr Bas.. Dr Bas then ask.. 'Lira.. Please calm down ok.. We will bring Apo back.. I must call Bible first.. Only Bible can help us now.. Bas then take out his phone and try to call Bible but fail.. Lira then look at Bas and ask..' How is it Dr Bas? 'Bas shake his head slowly and say..' We must go after Porsche before something bad happen to him! 'Both Lira and Bas quickly run out from the hospital to follow after Apo..

At the church..

Mile pov..

Mile is busy welcoming the guests.. Suddenly stop as he see his beloved family finally arrive... Mile family going into the church and walk towards him then give Mile a warm hugs.. Thong pat Mile back gently and say.. 'Congratulations to you my dear brother.. Im happy for you na krub' Bible walk towards him and look at him with a small smile and shake hand with Mile and say with non sincere tone.. 'Well.. Congratulations Phi...after what you had done towards Phi managed to found another woman huh?' Thong whisper towards Bible and say..'Nong..please don't start it now...'Mile chuckle and say..' Well.. I dare to admit that my life is become better after I met Nan.. She is better than Apo i guess.. Don't forget Bible.. Apo is the main reason why my life turned upside down! Apo is the reason why our son gone in blink of eye!So.. Don't you dare to talk about that bastard infront of me.. Or else.. I will make you regret it for the rest of your life! 'Mr Sumettikul sigh heavily as he see his two sons are still fighting about Apo.. Bible massage his head gently and reply with cold tone..' One fine day Mile Phakphum.. I will surely make Phi Apo love me... Mark my words.. 'Bible walk towards the bench and sit down with Thong and Lily... Lily pinch Bible cheek and say..' Uncle Bible... Please smile for Lily hmm? 'Bible kiss Lily cheek and show his smile and hug Lily gently.. All the guest walk to take a sit as the Father start the ceremony..

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