Chapter 38

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Next morning...

Apo pov..

Apo is standing at the balcony while enjoying the view.. Bible who is just wake up.. Slowly hug Apo from behind and say.. 'Good morning my wife..' Apo smile and kiss Bible's lips softly and say... 'Good morning too my husband...' Bible kiss Apo's shoulder and cheek gently then ask.. 'What are you doing here hmm?' Apo gasp as he feels Bible is playing with his junior.. Apo moan slowly and say.. 'Aaaah.. Baby... Please.. not now...' Bible keep massage Apo's junior while kissing him deeply.. Apo then say.. 'My husband.. Please.. I.. I want to.. Please... Aaaah..' Apo look at Bible with a begging expression... Bible quickly push Apo towards their bed and take off his pants then throw it away.. Apo smile at Bible and nod... Bible play with Apo's junior while cover them with the blanket.. Bible then take the towel and put on Apo and massage his junior... Apo then moan... 'My husband... Aaaah...' Bible stroke Apo's cheek gently while looking at him with full of love... Apo put his head on Bible's chest and let his husband to do what he wants.. Bible then ask.. 'What are you thinking about hmm?'Apo then trace Bible face with his fingers and say...' Let's go out today.. 'Bible kiss Apo' s lips deeply while start to thrust Apo gently.. Bible then curse.. 'Damn it Apo... Why its feel tight.. We just did it last night!' Apo then say.. 'Its OK sweetheart... Im fine.. I will be fine.. I promise you..' Bible smile and thrust Apo with a slow move... Apo then say.. 'My husband.. I.. 'Bible then say...' I know sweetheart... Its OK.. 'Apo release it... While Bible release it inside of Apo... Bible kiss Apo's forehead and say... Lets take a shower ok? We need to go to the church after breakfast..' Apo nod and say.. 'Please carry this big baby..' Bible laugh at Apo then carry him towards the bathroom and put Apo inside the bathtub.. Both of them enjoy their moments.. Bible then say.. 'I can't wait to see Bas and Lira...' Apo nod happily and reply back.. 'I can't wait to meet them too sweetheart..' Apo kiss Bible lips while hugging Bible's neck... Both of them share a sweet kiss.. Those kiss start to turn into a hot kiss.. Bible bite Apo's chest gently and leave the kiss mark on it then say.. 'You are mine Apo Nattawin.. Only mine..' Apo chuckle and say.. '"Of course Im yours my husband.. Im always yours.. Forever yours until death saperate us again..' Bible kiss Apo's forehead for a long time and continue bathing together..

After 10 minutes later.. Both of them come out from the bathroom and wear their clothes.. Apo go downstairs and walk towards the kitchen then start cooking.. Bible then help Apo to set up the table... Suddenly.. there's a door bell rings.. Bible then say.. 'Sweetheart.. I will do it.. You should go and open the door to see who is it..Apo nod and walk towards the front door while Bible take turn to cook.. Apo then open the door and see Bas and Lira... Apo then say..' Dr Bas.. Miss Lira.. Please do come in! 'Bas smile softly and come inside with Lira and sit in the living room.. Apo then say..' Please make your self at home.. I got something to do in the kitchen.. I will be right back.. 'Bas nod and let Apo to continue his work in the kitchen.. Bible then ask..' Who is it baby? 'Apo then whisper to his husband and say..' Its Bas and Lira.. You should go and meet them.. Bas must be missing you very much sweetheart.. Let me do this ok? 'Bible kiss Apo's lips softly and walk towards the living room and see Bas with Lira.. Bible smile and say..' Hey Bas.. How are you doing? 'Bas smile then reply back..' Hello Alex.. How are you doing? 'Bible chuckle and ask back..' Alex? Who the hell is Alex? Im not Alexander.. 'Bas frown and ask back as well..' If you aren't Alex..Then, who are you? Please don't tell me.... 'Bible smile at Bas and Lira then say..' Its me dude.. Im your best friend.. Im Bible! 'Bas quickly get up and hug his bestie and say..' Godness.. Bible... Is this really you huh?! 'Lira feel shock and bow her head and say..' Dear God.. This is truly a miracle!Welcome back Mr Bible! '.. Bas then look at Bible deeply and say..' You really scare me..your damn bastard.. Please don't do it again!'Apo come to them with the food and say..' Lets eat! '4 of them start eating.. Lira then ask..' Mr Bible.. How did you survive after those accident? 'Bible then reply back..' Dr Michael help me a lot.. If it wasn't because of him.. I won't be here with my wife... 'Bas and Lira suddenly silent... Apo frown and ask..' Ermm.. Dr Bas.. Miss Lira.. Is there anything happen? What's wrong? 'Bas sigh heavily and say..' Well.. Bible.. Apo.. After breakfast.. We want you both to come with us.. We will take you to the hospital.. There's something that I want to show to you both... 'Bible and Apo look at each other deeply with a worry expression... Apo start to feel anxious but try to remain calm..After breakfast.. 4 of them go to the mental hospital...

Soon as they arrive.. Bible and Apo feel shock to see Dr Michael visiting Melissa.. Bible then ask.. 'Bas.. What the hell is going on here? Why that bitch is here?' Apo then reply back.. 'Sweetheart.. Please calm down will you?' Bas sigh heavily and say.. 'Mrs Melissa have a mental illness.. Apo feel shock once again after he hear those words from Bas... Bible then maintain his poker face and say..' I think I understand why Dr Michael brought her here, Bas.. I mean.. Look at her.. Michael then noticed Bible is coming with Apo and say..' Melissa.. Lets go inside ok? 'Melissa feel happy as she see Bible..Melissa run towards Bible and say..' Oh.. My beloved Alexander! You are back! Please don't leave me anymore.. My love... Melissa love Alexander... 'Apo then say..' Bible.. Please.. Lets get out of here... Its not safe.. 'Melissa then look at Apo with anger and push Apo away and yell' Go away! Go away slut!'Dr Michael then rush towards Bible and pull Melissa from him and say..' Melissa! Please! Don't do this!'Melissa slap Michael face and push Michael away.. Melissa walk towards Apo and choke Apo until Apo almost out of breath.. Bible then yell..' Enough Melissa! Let my wife go! 'Apo start to feel his breath becomes short... Bas run towards Melissa and pull her away from Apo... Apo fall on the ground and cough... Bible look at Apo with a worry expression and help Apo to get up and say..' Lets go back sweetheart.. That woman really make me feel sick! I want to say thank you to Dr Michael.. But everything is ruined because of that bitch.. Come on Apo..' Bible and Apo leave the hospital and go somewhere else..

At the church...

Bible and Apo arrive at the church.. Bible park his car outside and walk into the church with Apo.. Both of them sit on the bench and start to recite their prayers.. Bible then open his eyes and see Apo is still praying... Bible then speak in his heart.. 'I love you so much sweetheart.. I promise.. I will stay by your side..' Apo smile at his husband and ask.. 'What did you pray just now?' Bible hug Apo's waist and say.. 'I pray so that we can be happy... And.. I promise.. I will be a good husband for you.. Apo kiss Bible lips softly and reply back..' I also pray for the same thing... I hope God will always protect us wherever we are.. And I promise to you my husband.. I will stay by your side.. Until death saperate us..' Bible smile softly at his beloved wife and kiss Apo's forehead for a long time and say..' I love you so much my beloved wife.. Thank you for make me remember everything.. 'Apo smile and say..' Lets go home now shall we? 'Bible nod in respond and walk out from the church with Apo then return to their house..

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