Chapter 28

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7 months later...

At Bible house..

Apo pov...

Apo is looking at the mirror with a new look.. Yes.. Today, Apo will be working in his father in law office.. After Bible passed away.. Apo decided to start working in the office to help Mr John and Phi Thong... Apo then wear his favourite watch and take his briefcase and go downstairs to make a warm tea.. After 5 minutes later.. Apo ready to leave the house and drive to the office..

At Dr Michael house..

Wichapas Alexander pov...

Alexander (Bible) is getting ready to work.. Suddenly his adopt mother,Melissa come towards him with a soft smile on her face.. Melissa then ask.. 'Alexander.. Are you ready to work in your father office? I know Michael have a hospital but he let you to work in his company so that you can help him out..' Alexander kiss his mom's cheek gently and reply back..'Of course Im ready mom.. Don't worry..' Michael smile from behind and say.. 'Alex.. today.. you going to have meeting with another company.. the leader is Mr Thong Thanayut Sumettikul and also with his assistant, Mr Apo Nattawin Wattanangitiphat.. Papa hope that you will cooperate with them.. And.. I wish you all the best.. my son.. 'Alex hug his father and say..' I will Pa.. Don't worry.. Im already late.. I need to go now! Bye mum..and bye dad! 'Alex then leave the house and drive to his office..

At Michael office..

Alexander (Bible) finally arrive at the office.. His assistant.. (Ta) approach him and say...'Good morning Mr Alex.. Today.. You will have a meeting with Mr Thong with Mr Apo from John Company..' Bible hold his head as he start to feel hurt.. Ta then ask 'Are you ok Mr Alex? Should I delay this meeting?' Bible shake his head and reply back.. 'Its ok Ta.. If Mr Thong and Mr Apo already arrive.. Ask them to meet me in the meeting room.. I don't like to waste my time..' Ta nod and escort Bible to the meeting room while waiting for Thong and Apo to arrive.. Bible then sit down and ask.. 'Thong? Apo? John?Why those name sounds similar to me?Why do I feel like.. I know them? Why do I feel like Im very close to them?Why?Who are they to me?'.. Bible then get up and walk towards the window and stare outside while his mind already wandering somewhere else..

Apo pov..

Apo finally arrive at Michael's company.. Thong then say..' Apo..if need anything.. Just ask from the assistant ok? Right now Mr Alex already waiting for us..' Ta then walk towards them and say.. 'Please come with me.. Mr Alex is already waiting in the meeting room..' Apo and Thong nod then follow Ta from behind.. Thong and Apo finally arrives at 10th floor.. Ta then say..'Come.. Please follow me..' Thong then take Apo hand and say.. 'Come on Po.. We already late..' Thong quickly follow Ta while Apo walk slowly from behind.. Ta then open the door to give Thong and Apo an entrance... Ta then say... 'Mr Alex.. Mr Thong and Mr Apo is already here...' Bible turn around then look at Thong and Apo with a soft smile on his face..

Apo shake his head and say.. 'B.. Bible... Apo run towards Bible and hug him tight and say..' Bible! You are alive! Please tell me this is you! 'Thong who is still speechless quickly pull Apo away from Alex and say..' Apo.. Please.. He is not Bible.. Bible is already dead.. He is Mr Michael son... He is Wichapas Alexander.. He might look similar to Bible but he isn't Bible.. Bible already gone 7 months ago... Please Apo... You need to accept the fact!' Bible walk towards them and stare at them while holding his head and say..' Guys.. please.. stop arguing with each other.. We are here for an important meeting and as for Apo.. Please don't mix up between a work with a personal life.. Got it? Lets start our meeting now..'

Apo feel his heart about to stop as he see Bible is standing right in front of him... Who is going to believe if the person that you love the most.. Come back from the dead? Apo look at Bible and try to focus on the meeting but fail.. Apo then get up and leave the meeting room.. Thong sigh and say.. 'Mr Alex.. Please forgive Apo' s behaviour.. He assume you as his dead husband.. His name is Bible Wichapas Sumettikul.. 'Bible feel his head hurts again and fall on the floor.. Thong then ask with a panic tone..' My Godness! Are you alright Mr Alex?! 'Should I bring you to the clinic or hospital?!' Bible chuckle and say.. 'I feel like I know you...but my memory can't remember you...'Thong sigh slowly and say..' Actually.. You really remind me of Bible... Bible is my little brother... Compare to my 2nd brother.. Mile.. Bible is closer to me..'Thong help Alex to get up and make him sit on the sofa..' Thong then pump up the water into a glass and give it to Alex.. Alex smile and say.. 'Thank you Mr Thong..' Thong sit beside Alex and say.. 'My parents sometimes always mentioned about Bible... I know that they miss Bible very much.. And.. So am I..' Thong then take out his phone and show John and Mia picture to Alex.. Bible feel shock as he see his picture parents and speak in his heart.. 'why they look familiar? Who are these people?! Why I can't even recognize them at all?!'.. Thong then show Bible picture to Alex and say.. 'Well.. if you wonder about how is Bible look like.. this is Bible.. my younger brother and Apo's husband..' Bible slowly take Thong's phone and stare at his own picture... Bible hold his head and speak in his heart again.. 'Bible.. Who is Bible.. Why that name are really familiar to me.. Why those name are really close to me... Who am I actually?' Thong then ask.. 'Alex.. Are you ok?' Bible then say.. 'Sir.. Can you call me as Bible? I feel Bible's name is really familiar to me..' Thong shake his head and reply back.. 'Im really sorry Alex.. But.. my brother is already dead 7 months ago.. He died in accident.. At that time, Bible and Apo is already married.. Their wedding ceremony is small and simple.. They are just about to live happily but those happiness didn't last long until both of them were involved in the accident... Bible lost his life and Apo lost his baby.. He is 2 months pregnant at that time.. Bible's car accidentally hit the tree when he is about to avoid the lorry that came form the front direction.. Bible's car explode and Bible thrown out from his car and unconscious.. By the time I took him to the hospital.. He is already dead... 'Bible hold his chest and speak in his heart again..' Why I feel really hurt right now? Why those words kill me? What's happening to me during 7 months ago? Why I can't remember anything?! 'Thong sigh slowly and get up and say..' Im sorry Mr Alex.. I need to go now.. 'Alex nod his head and go down to the lobby with Thong.. Alex escorts Thong and see Apo is already waiting for Thong.. Thong and Apo get into the car and drive back home.. Alex start to feel curious and decide to follow them from behind..

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