Chapter 24

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At Sumettikul family house...

Thong pov..

Thong is having a rest with Mia John and Lily.. Suddenly Thong's phone buzz and see the message from Bible and read it silently.. 'phi Thong.. Im sorry because I disturb you.. Please tell Ma and Pa to get ready.. Me and Apo are on the way to go to the church.. We will getting marry by today.. Im sorry because this wedding are very sudden... But this is for Apo' s sake.. I want to protect him from Mile.. Thats all.. I will see you later.. 'Thong smile and say...' Lily.. lets go upstairs and get ready now.. Pa will choose a beautiful dress for you na.. 'Mia frown and ask..' Thong.. Where are you going hmm? 'John then reply back..' Its seems that you got a message from someone.. Who is it? 'Thong then say..' Ma.. Pa.. you both better get ready now and please wear a beautiful outfits.. Bible and Apo already on the way to the church.. They will get marry by today.. Hurry up! 'Mia and John feel excited and quickly go upstairs to get ready...

Meanwhile at the mental hospital..

Bas pov..

Bas is handling his work.. Suddenly stop as he see the message appear on his phone screen..' If Lira is with you.. Don't forget to take her too.. Come to the church.. Me and Apo will getting marry by today..I hope you will come Bas..' - Bible.. Bas smile brightly and quickly tidy up his work place and see Lira is coming towards him and frown.. 'Oh.. are you going somewhere?' Bas nod and reply back 'Bible and Apo will get marry by today.. Bible text me just now.. We need to hurry!' Lira take off her white coat and put on the sofa... Bas then say.. 'lets go now..' Lira nod and follow Bas and leave the hospital..

Jeff pov..

Jeff is laying on the bed.. Suddenly his phone buzzing and see Thong name on his phone.. Jeff get up slowly and say.. 'Hello Phi Thong? Whats the matter?' Thong then ask.. 'Jeff can you come to the church now? Bible and Apo will get marry by today.. I know this is too sudden.. but Im sure Bible and Apo want you to be there as well'..Jeff then smile and reply back.. 'I think Im strong enough to drive..give me a time to get ready.. I will see you there..' Jeff hung up his phone and get ready..

At Mile house..

Mile pov...

Mile drag Nan towards their bathroom and start abuse Nan again... Nan scream and throw everything that she could reach.. Mile laugh evilly and walk towards her then slap her face twice until Nan become really weak.. Mile stop all of a sudden and after he feels his phone buzz and see JJ's name on it.. Mile answers the phone call and ask with the cold tone.. 'What the hell do you want from me JJ?' JJ chuckle from the other side and reply back.. 'Well.. I just want to say.. Your beloved brother will get marry with Apo today at the church... I just arrive here.. Are you coming?' Mile look at his wife and smirk then say.. 'I will be there in 10 minutes..' Mile pull Nan's hair and say.. Stay here! And don't you dare to leave this house! 'Nan hug Mile's leg and say..' Please don't go... Bible and Apo are deserve to be happy! You can torture me! Please leave them alone! 'Mile kick his wife and leave the house.. Nan then say..' I.. I need to stop him.. But how?'

Meanwhile at the church..

Bible and Apo finally arrive at the church and go inside.. A few minutes later.. P Thong along with his family also arrive and go inside.. Bible and Apo then see the Father and walk towards him and bow.. The Father smile softly at them and ask.. 'Is there anything that I can help you two?' Bible then hold Apo's hand and say.. 'We would like to get marry by today sir.. Simple ceremony is enough.. I will register our marriage later..' Apo turn around and see his family in law already sit down.. Not long after that.. Jeff and Bas with Lira also come then sit with Bible's family... The Father then reply back..' Very well my dear children.. Please come with me towards the altar.. 'Bible and Apo hold each other hands and walk towards the altar..

The Father then start the ceremony..' Good evening everyone.. Today.. We are here for Mr Bible and Mr Apo.. And to witness about their marriage by today.. Also.. As a new beginning in their life.. Mr Bible and Mr Apo.. Please recite your wedding vows.. Bible start to feel nervous and look at his beloved ones who is sitting near the aisle.. Thong nod at him then smile...Bible take a deep breath while hold Apo hands and start his wedding vow.. 'I.. Bible Wichapas Sumettikul.. ready to take you, Apo Nattawin Wattanangitiphat as my husband.. To have, to hold, to protect, to cherish.. I promise I will be a good husband and a father to our baby.. I promise I will always stay by your side either in health or sick.. Either in poor or rich.. I only love you.. You are my one and only one.. Let me be your light... And.. I hope we will stay like this until death saperate us apart.. Apo who is already cry start to recite his wedding vows..

'I.. Apo Nattawin Wattanangitiphat ready to take you, Bible Wichapas Sumettikul as my husband.. To have, to hold, to protect.. to cherish.. to love.. I promise I will stay by your side.. Either in poor or rich.. Health or sick.. Thank you for being a light in my life.. I promise I will be a good wife to you.. Even Im a man.. Bible chuckle and wipe his wife tears and look at him with full of love.. Apo then continue.. 'And I promise.. I will stay with you until death saperate us apart.. I love you very much..' The Father then say.. 'And now you are officially a husbands.. You may exchange the rings and kiss your partner.. Thank you..' The Father bow and look at them.. 'Bible take out the ring that he bought just now and put on Apo's finger while Apo take another rings and put on Bible's finger as well.. Both of them kiss each other and chuckle together.. Thong and others get up and quickly approach them then give a hug to them and say.. 'Congratulations! You didn't give us a time to prepare everything!' Lily then hug Bible and kiss his cheek and say.. 'Uncle! Congratulations! Please take care of Uncle Apo and the baby!'

Jeff stroke Lily's head and shake hands with Bible and Apo then say.. 'You both deserve to be happy.. Im sorry because I didn't bring anything as a gift..' Apo hug Jeff and say.. 'Its ok Jeff.. Your presence here its already more than enough..' Mia and John then hug Bible while crying then say.. 'Our son finally get marry! Congratulations na Bible! Please take care of Apo and the baby ok?' Bible kiss his mom forehead and say.. 'Dont cry Ma.. Thank you for coming.. You too Pa.. Stop crying..' John look away to wipe his tears and hug Apo then say.. 'Welcome to Sumettikul family na my son in law..' Apo smile softly and bow infront of his father in law.. Apo turn around and feel shock as he see Mile and JJ walk towards them.. Bible stand in front of Apo and ask.. 'Where the hell is your wife Mile?' Mile roll his eyes and say.. 'She is sleeping..' JJ then say.. 'I won't be here for long.. I just want to say congratulations to the newly weds and may God bless you both.. Thank you because you still able to survive Apo.. Please take care of your self.. Cheers..'JJ take a step back and let Mile to take turn.. Mile then say..' Hope you will be a good wife Apo Nattawin.. Let's see if you already forget about me.. 'Mile is about to kiss Apo but got stop by Jeff.. Jeff pull Mile away from Apo then say..' You better go home.. Please give Nan to me.. Divorce her now!'Mile smirk evilly and ask.. You think I will do that?!' No way Jeff! His father company should belong to me! 'Apo shake his head and say..' Enough is enough Mile.. You better go home and take a good care of your wife.. 'Mile walk towards Apo and pull Apo closer to him and whisper..' Well.. Your happiness won't last long Apo.. Toodles.. 'Mile kiss Apo lips and leave.. Bible then pull Apo and ask..' What did he say to you hmm? He didn't hurt you didn't he? 'Apo shake his head and say..' You should register our marriage now.. Off you go.. 'Apo push his husband towards the Father and give him a time to settle.. Apo sit near the aisle and start have a bad feeling.. Jeff then sit beside Apo and hold his hand then say..' Don't listen to what Mile said.. Everything will be fine.. And about Nan.. I don't know either I can save her or not.. We need to get rid of Mile first..' Bible pull Apo's hand and say.. 'Don't touch him Jeff.. He already belongs to me..' Jeff chuckle and say..'Don't worry.. I won't steal him from you Bible.. I also want to be his protector.. Im sorry but I must go now..'Jeff give Bible and Apo a short hug then leave the church..

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