Chapter 40(Final)

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2 years later (At Bible house)..

Apo is busy making a snack for Bible.. Suddenly.. Mia come towards Apo and say.. 'My dear.. You should go and rest..' Mia rub Apo's belly gently then speak up again.. 'Its already 6 months Apo..' Apo nod and smile softly.. Lily suddenly run towards Apo and say.. 'Uncle.. Thanya and Talita is hungry.. They keep crying..' Mia then take the bottle and reply back.. 'Lets go Lily.. Lets help Uncle Apo to feed the twinnies..' Lily nod happily and follow Mia to the living room and feed Thanya while Mia feed Talita.. Apo feel a hands around him.. Without even looking.. Apo already know whose hands it is.. Apo then say.. 'You should eat sweetheart.. You haven't eat anything yet aren't you?' Bible kiss Apo's cheek gently and rub his beloved wife belly and say.. 'We gonna have another baby.. Im so happy..' Apo turn around and kiss Bible deeply while hugging Bible neck.. 'Thong then clear his throat while looking at them.. Both Bible and Apo stop their make out session and start to feel awkward.. John come from behind and whisper something to Bible.. Thong smile at his father and say..' Apo.. I think you should go out and take a walk with Bible.. Since you are pregnant.. Its not good for you to keep staying in this house... Apo then ask..'What about Thanya and Talita? Thong chuckle and reply back..' We will help you to take care of them.. 'Bible pat his big brother shoulder and say..' Thank you so much phi Thong.. 'Thong nod and help to carry the twin along with Mia.. Mia then say..' Well.. have fun you both.. Don't worry about Thanya and Talita.. We will go back home now.. 'Thong.. John and Mia along with Lily leave Bible's house with the twins'..

Apo then look at Bible with a confuse expression and ask.. 'Sweetheart.. Where are you taking me hmm?' Bible kiss Apo's lips softly and reply back.. 'You will found out soon.. Lets go..' Bible then take Apo towards his car and help Apo to get in.. Bible get into his car and drive to Chiangmai.. 'After 2 hours of driving.. Bible and Apo safely arrive in Chiangmai..

Bible then say..' Come sweetheart.. I have a surprise for you.. 'Apo nod in respond then follow Bible from behind.. Bible and Apo walk near the beach while holding each other hands.. Suddenly.. One of the staff come towards them and say..' Mr Bible and Mr Apo.. Please come with me.. I will take you to the villa..'Bible hold his wife hand and take Apo towards the villa.. Bible then nod at the staff and say..' Thank you for helping me.. I truly appreciate it.. You may go now.. 'The staff smile and walk away.. Apo then ask..' What are we doing here sweetheart? 'Bible pull Apo to come in and say..' Close your eyes my wife'..Apo smile and close his eyes.. Bible help Apo to walk into the villa.. Bible then stop walking when they reach near the living room..Bible then say.. 'Now.. You can open your eyes sweetheart..' Apo open his eyes slowly and feel shock to see a decoration fill the whole living room.. Bible hug Apo from behind while his hand rubbing Apo's belly gently and say.. 'Happy 2nd Anniversary sweetheart..' Apo look at his beloved husband in tears and reply back.. 'My husband.. You shouldn't burden your self with these.. When did you prepare all of this hmm?' Apo hug Bible's neck while look at his husband deeply.. Bible kiss Apo's forehead softly and say.. 'Im doing this.. special for you.. Today is our 2nd Anniversary.. I hope you will love it..' Apo kiss Bible lips deeply and touch their forehead and reply back.. 'Of course I love it sweetheart.. Its really beautiful and romantic..' Bible then take out a necklace with 'BB' initial from his pocket and put around Apo's neck and say.. 'I always in your heart.. Keep this necklace with you..' Apo then take out a necklace with 'A' initial and put around Bible's neck and say.. 'Always remember me in your heart.. With this way.. We wont saperate..' Bible rub their nose together and cut the cake.. Apo take it and feed Bible.. Bible also take a slice and feed Apo as well..

Bible then kiss Apo's belly gently and say.. 'Lets go and take a walk near the beach shall we?' Apo hold Bible hands and nod in respond.. Bible and Apo then walk out from the villa and decide to take a walk near the beach.. Bible suddenly hold Apo's arms to stopping him from walking away.. Apo turn around and look at Bible then ask..' Are you ok hmm?' Bible smile and hug Apo from behind and rub Apo's belly again.. Bible then say.. 'Sweetheart.. I would like to say thank you for everything.. Thank you for coming into my life.. You managed to change me Apo.. Thank you for gave birth to our babies.. Im lucky to have you by my side Apo Nattawin..' Apo kiss Bible cheek gently and hold both of Bible hands and say..' I would like to say thank you for everything that you had done to me.. You aren't just my husband.. Not just a father to our kids.. But also a light in my life.. I don't know what will happen to me if I hadn't meet you.. You always be there for me.. Once again.. thank you so much.. I promise.. I will stay by your side until death saperate us.. I love you.. my husband.. Bible Wichapas Sumettikul.. 'Bible kiss Apo deeply and hug him then say..' Now... Lets go back.. Its already evening.. Our babies are waiting for us.. 'Apo nod and walk together with Bible while holding each other hands tightly..'

  You are everything to me Apo.. I love you very much - Bible

You are the light in my life.. I promise.. I will stay by your side until my last breath.. I love you more - Apo..

                          The End

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