Chapter 17

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Bible pov..

Bible is busy with the cooking.... Apo then join him in the kitchen and ask.. '"what are you cooking hmm?' Bible turn around and see his beloved look at him with a curious look.. Bible kiss Apo's, lips softly and reply back.. 'Im making a spaghetti with a bolognese sauce...' Apo then kiss Bible lips softly and start to deepen the kiss.. Bible hug Apo's waist while Apo is wrapping his arms around Bible's neck.. As both of them feel the air is started to get short.. Both of them stop their kissing activity and chuckle together.. Bible rub Apo's flat belly and say.. 'I promise.. I will take care of you more sweetheart..' Apo then take turn to continue cooking meanwhile Bible is setting up the table..After 25 minutes later.. Apo then prepare all the food on the table.. Suddenly there's a door bell rings.. Apo and Bible look at each other and ask.. Who is that sweetheart?' Bible start to feel uneasy and say..' Go to the bathroom and hide in there.. I will be right back.. 'Apo nod and walk towards the bathroom with an anxious feelings.. Bible then open the door and see Phi Thong with Lily.. Bible breath out of relief and say..' Oh.. It was you both... I thought someone else will come.. Please do come in phi.. 'Thong shake his head and walk inside with Lily and look around then ask..' Where is my brother in law? 'Bible then quickly go to the kitchen and say through the door..' Honey.. Its OK.. Its just Phi Thong and Lily.. You can come out now.. 'Apo then open the door and pop out his head and feel relief to see Phi Thong and Lily.. Thong chuckle and ask with a tease' Why hmm? Are you afraid that Mile is coming here? Don't worry.. Mile won't come here.. 'Apo notice there's a paper bag that Thong carry since just now and ask..' What is that you carrying Phi Thong? 'Bible frown and look at Thong as well..

Thong smile then reply back' Oh.. Mom asked me to send this to you.. She cook a lot today.. We have a visitor just now.. Its Jeff Satur.. Our cousin.. 'Bible then look at Thong with a serious expression and ask with a cold tone..' What the hell is he doing here? He lived in America.. But why he is here now? 'Apo rub Bible' s back body as he try to calm him down.. Thong then reply back.. 'I think.. This is a time for you both to know the truth..about Jeff and Nan relationship..' Bible and Apo look at each other then look at Thong.. Thong clear his throat and speak.. 'Actually.. Jeff used to live in America.. The reason why Jeff was there is because his dream always wanted to be a singer.. Our uncle and aunt sent him to America so that Jeff can fulfill his dream to be a singer.. And he did it.. At that time.. Nan' s parents also sent her to America.. because they want Nan to continue her study in America.. Both Jeff and Nan met in America.. then they fall in love..

Jeff and Nan almost took their relationship into a big step but unfortunately.. Jeff ruined everything... He chose his career over Nan.. Jeff's decision broke Nan's heart.. Nan then decide to broke up with Jeff and return to Thailand after she finished study... When Apo is pregnant with Mile's baby.. At that time.. Mile already have a secret relationship with Nan.. Until the day.. Apo lost the baby.. Mile used that chance to divorce Apo.. not only divorce Apo but molested him until Apo was sent to psychiatric hospital.. And now.. Mile want Apo to be dead.. To be honest.. I didn't know what else Mile had plan to destroy you both.. Not only you both.. Nan also will become Mile's next victim.. 'Bible hug Apo' s shoulder and say.. Well.. Apo isn't alone anymore.. I must pay attention to him now...'Thong frown and ask..' Is there something happen to Apo? 'Apo smile and take Thong' s hand and put on his flat stomach and say.. 'You going to be an uncle.. Its already 2 months..' Thong feel shock and quickly pull Apo and give him a warm hug then say...' going to be a mom..' Apo nod and say.. 'We also can't wait to share this news with everyone..' Lily kiss Apo's stomach and say.. 'Hello like brother..' Bible stroke Lily's head gently and say.. 'Uncle hope Lily will be a good sister..' Lily hug both Bible and Apo then reply back.. 'Of course! Lily will be a good sister to little brother..' Thong smile softly and say.. 'We need to go back Lily.. Uncle Apo and Uncle Bible need to rest.. Next time.. We will bring Grandpa and grandma along with us.. Lily then jump with an excitement and say..' Yaay!! I love you pa!'Thong then carry Lily in his arms and ask..' Are you both going somewhere tomorrow? 'Bible then answer back' We need to go to the hospital by tomorrow morning phi Thong.. What's the matter? 'Thong shake his head and say..' Nothing.. Please be careful ok.. 'Apo nod and say..' Please be careful too na phi Thong.. Have a safe drive.. 'Thong nod and reply back..' Don't stress yourself too much Apo.. You are pregnant right now.. About the wedding.. dont worry.. Me.. Pa and Ma will help you both.. 'Bible hug Thong and say..' thank you so much na phi Thong.. We really appreciate it.. 'Thong smile softly and say..' We will come here again.. 'Both Thong and Lily leave Bible house.. Bible then start to clean up while Apo is taking a rest at the living room while stroking his flat stomach.. Apo smile softly and say..' I can't wait to see you soon... my little angel...'Bible walk towards Apo and say..' Sweetheart.. Lets go upstairs and have a rest ok? 'Apo nod and follow Bible to their room and rest together..

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