Chapter 19

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Apo pov..

Apo is preparing the food on the table.. Suddenly.. Bible come towards him and say.. 'Sweetheart.. mom wants to talk to you for a while..' Apo then take the phone from Bible and let Bible to continue the work.. Apo then walk a bit away from Bible and say.. 'Hello Mae?' Mia then reply back.. 'My son in law.. how are you doing hmm?' Apo smile softly and say... 'Im fine mae.. How is pho?' Mr John then say.. 'My son in law.. This is pho na.. What are you doing hmm? Is Bible bully you? If he is.. Tell me.. I will scold him later..' Apo laugh then reply back.. 'No pho.. Of course not.. Right now.. Bible is helping me to prepare the food on the table.. We are just about to have a dinner..' Mr John then continue.. 'Actually...we are planning to go there to meet you and Bible.. Or maybe we can go out for shopping.. We want to buy something for you and Bible.. Its for a wedding.. How does it sound?' Bible sigh slowly and take the phone away from Apo and reply back 'Mom.. Dad.. If we want to go out.. Just ask Phi Thong and Lily to accompany you both.. Apo need to stay at home.. I didn't want to put Apo into a trouble.. We also want to share a happy news.. But I won't tell it now.. Lets meet up at my house tomorrow then Apo will tell you that news ok? Right now.. Me and Apo want to enjoy our dinner.. We will see you guys tomorrow.. 'Bible quickly hung up his phone and roll his eyes..

Apo laugh while looking at his beloved.. Bible then frown and ask..' Honey.. Why are you laughing hmm? Is there something on my face? 'Apo shake his head and help to put a rice on Bible' s plate.. Bible also help to pour a plain water into the glass and say.. 'Honey.. Please eat a lot ok.. Im really worry about you...' I haven't buy a milk and vitamins for you and our baby yet.. Shall I go to pharmacy later? 'Apo smile softly and shake his head then reply back..' Lets go to the hospital tomorrow.. 'Bible smile back and nod.. Apo speak in his heart..' The reason why I want to go to the hospital is because I want to know about Nan's pregnancy result.. Something isn't right..' Bible stop eating and say..' Sweetheart.. What's wrong? '.. Apo then look at Bible and shake his head.. Bible then continue eating until finish.. Apo drink a water and continue eating until finish.. Apo is about to take his plate to wash but got stop by Bible.. Bible take Apo's plate then wash it while Apo using another sink to wash his hands.. Bible then continue to clean up the kitchen also with the table and say..'Lets chill ourselves now..' Apo nod and pull Bible towards the living room and sit there.. Bible put Apo's head on his shoulder then ask.. 'Sweetheart.. Do you like a baby boy or baby girl?'Apo then smile and reply back..' Well.. About gender.. I don't really mind.. As long as our baby is healthy.. its already more than enough.. 'Bible kiss Apo's flat stomach and rub it gently then reply back..' Your belly will show up soon... I can't wait to feel the kick from inside.. 'Apo kiss Bible' s cheek and say.. 'Lets go to bed na krub.. 3 of us really need a rest right now..' Bible carry Apo in his arms and take him to their room.. Apo climb up on the bed slowly and lay down while Bible going to the toilet.. Apo then cover himself with the blanket while waiting for Bible.. 5 minutes later.. Bible then come out from the bathroom and climb up on the bed then lay down beside Apo and say.. 'Sleep sweetheart.. Have a sweet dreams na my beloved wife...' Apo kiss Bible lips 's and sleep..

Next morning at Mile house..

Mile pov..

Mile wake up and see Nan is already get dress.. Without wasting time.. Mile walk towards the bathroom and take a shower.. Nan tidy up the room then go downstairs to make a warm tea for Mile... Nan start to feel anxious about what will be happen today... Suddenly.. Mile come towards him and say.. 'No need to breakfast.. Lets go to the hospital now'.. Nan sigh slowly and stop her work and follow Mile to the car.. Both of them get into the car and go to the hospital.. After 15 minutes of driving.. Both Mile and Nan arrive at the hospital then go inside.. Mile then say.. 'just wait there.. I must see the nurse first..' Nan walk towards the chair and sit down and wait for her name to be call.. Suddenly.. The nurse then say.. 'Mrs Nan.. Please do come in..' Mile sit down and wait outside...

Bible pov..

Bible and Apo are waiting for the doctor as well.. Suddenly.. Apo hug Bible arms as he hear the nurse call Mile to come into the room.. Bible hold Apo's hand and calm him down then say..' Don't worry baby.. Mile wont see us..'

Nan pov..

Nan look at the doctor then ask.. 'Doctor.. What is happening to me? Why I still can't get pregnant?' Mile also look at the doctor with a curious expression.. The doctor then take a deep breath and say.. 'Well.. based on your health record.. You are having an abnormal period also with a blocked fallopian tube.. you also have a problem with an ovulation.. Im sorry if I have to say this.. But.. you are infertile Mrs Nan.. You are unable to have a kids.. But.. If you still want to have a kid.. You can get pregnant by a surrogacy or adoption.. 'Mile look at his wife with a murderous expression and say..' Oh.. Thank you so much for the explanation.. We must go now because I still have a lot of work to do at the office.. 'Mile pull Nan out from the room and say with a lower tone..' I will teach you a lesson Nan.. You better prepare yourself.. 'Nan start to feel afraid and helpless.. Nan push Mile away and about to escape but got catch immediately.. Mile then yell' Don't you dare to run away from me bitch!! 'Mile drag Nan out from the hospital and go home..

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