Chapter 39

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After a few months later.. (At the hospital)...

Apo pov..(Inside the labour room)

Apo look at Bible weakly and say.. 'My husband.. I can't do it anymore.. Its hurt too much.. ' Apo cry in pain while holding Bible hands tightly.. Dr Melinda then say.. 'Apo.. Sweetheart.. Come on.. You need to push a bit harder.. You can do it!' Bible stroke Apo's head gently and wipe the sweat on Apo's forehead and say.. 'You already made a promise to me sweetheart.. You promised me you will come back am I right? Im right here with you.. Take a deep breath sweetheart.. Take a deep breath and push slowly..' Apo cry in pain even more and push again and again.. Dr Melinda then say.. 'Good Apo! I already see the baby head!' Bible then say.. 'Its ok sweetheart.. Im here.. Come on..' Apo squeeze Bible hands and push harder... Bible then say.. 'Its OK sweetheart.. You almost there..' Apo start to feel exhausted but continue pushing.. Apo breath out of relief after he see  his 1st baby is out... Bible wipe his tears and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Its our 2nd baby now..' Apo take a deep breath and start to push again... Apo cry and push again.. Apo almost close his eyes.. Bible then say... 'Sweetheart.. One last push...' Apo take a deep breath and push with his energy... Apo faint as he hears his 2nd baby cry.. Dr Melinda then say.. 'Congratulations Mr Bible and Mr Apo.. You both have 2 princess... As for now.. Mr Bible need to leave this room.. I will stitch his wounds.. Once after I settle.. I will put Apo into a normal ward... Bible kiss Apo' s forehead and leave the room.. Thong then ask.. 'Bible.. What happen hmm? Is Apo ok?'

Mia and John then look at Bible with a worry expression.. Bible then hug his family and say.. 'Me and Apo have 2 princess...' Mia and John cry together with a joy while Thong hug his little brother and say.. 'Congratulations to you my brother!' Suddenly.. Bas and Lira come towards Bible with a present.. Bas hug Bible and say.. 'You already become a father now.. Congratulations na krub'.. Lira bow and smile softly.. Dr Mellinda come out from the labour room with a few nurse and look at Bible's family with a big smile on her face and say.. 'Your grand daughters are very pretty.. Just like their parents.. Right now.. I will be put Apo into a normal ward... You can visit him now..' Bible nod and bow in front of Dr Mellinda and say.. 'Thank you very much Dr Mellinda..' Bible turn his gaze towards his beloved wife who is still laying on the bed.. Mia then say.. 'Bible.. Let's go and visit Apo now' Bible nod slowly and follow up from behind with others..

After 15 minutes later.. Apo open his eyes slowly and see Bible and his family are waiting for him.. Bible kiss Apo's forehead and say.. 'Hey honey.. How are you feeling hmm?' Mia kiss Apo's forehead too then say.. 'Sweetheart.. Don't move too much for now..' Suddenly.. The door open.. Apo see 2 nurse come towards him while holding his 2 princess.. Bible take one of them and give it to Apo.. While the other nurse give Bible the other one.. Lira look at the babies with a full of love and say..' "both of them really look like Mr Bible and Mr Apo' Apo smile at Lira and kiss his princess.. Bible then sit beside Apo with another baby in his hand and ask.. 'What should we name them sweetheart?' Everyone is looking at them with a big smile.. Apo then reply back.. 'Thanya and Talita Sumettikul..' Bible kiss Apo's lips softly then touch their foreheads.. Bible then say.. 'You need to feed them now..' The nurse give a bottle to Bible and say.. 'you also can feed Talita' Bible nod and feed Talita as well..

After everything is done.. Mia.. John and others decide to go home so that Apo can rest.. Bible then stroke Apo's cheek gently while looking at him with a full of love.. Apo then say.. 'Sweetheart.. Come and lay down beside me..' Bible then say.. 'No sweetheart.. You need a full space.. The bed is small and narrow..' Apo hiss in pain as he try to move.. Bible sigh heavily and lay down beside his beloved wife.. Apo put his head on Bible chest and say.. 'Im really afraid just now.. I thought that I can't make it..' Bible kiss Apo's lips softly and pat him to sleep.. Apo chuckle and ask.. Have you heard anything about Jeff and Dr Michael? 'Bible shake his head and reply back..' No sweetheart 'Speaking about Dr Michael.. Im sure he must be busy handling the patients.. And as for Jeff, he didn't text all call me.. Don't worry about him.. Jeff is an adult..' Bible's phone suddenly buzzing.. Bible then take out his phone and read the text massage from Bas..' Dr Melissa already passed away.. She passed away right after me and Lira return to the hospital.. I already inform Dr Michael about this news and Dr Michael is on his way..' Apo feel shock and hug Bible gently and say.. 'Im really sorry for Dr Michael sweetheart...he didn't deserve this..' Bible then rub Apo's shoulder and reply back.. Its OK love.. God already have a better plan.. We need to accept it.. 'Apo smile at his husband and nod slowly..Bible get down from the bed to give Apo a space so that Apo can rest comfortably.. Suddenly.. their moments got interrupt by a sudden knock from the outside.. Bible then see Dr Mellinda come in and walk towards Apo then ask.. 'Apo.. Sweetheart.. How are you feeling hmm?' Apo smile and reply back.. 'Im fine Dr Mellinda.. Since you already here.. Me and my husband would like to say thank you so much for everything that you had done to me.. We truly appreciate it..' Mellinda nod and smile softly at Apo then reply back.. Im just doing my job.. You are such an amazing guy Nattawin.. You are such a strong man.. Im glad that you are able to make it.. I already check on the babies.. Both of them are fine and healthy.. Right now.. Those twinnies are sleeping.. Bible then ask.. When Apo is allow to go home? Dr Melinda then reply back' Once Apo is fine.. He will be allow to leave the hospital..By the way.. I need to go now.. I still have some work to be settle.. If you both need anything.. just press the red button.. And before I forget.. You both have a visitor..'Mellinda smile and walk out from Apo' s ward and say.. 'You can come in..' While look at Jeff..'Jeff bow and walk towards Apo' s ward and push the door slowly and say.. 'Hey guys'... Apo smile brightly as he see Jeff come towards him.. Apo quickly hug Jeff and say.. 'Jeff.. I thought you won't coming' Bible then speak in his heart.. 'Why this man need to come?' Bible pretend to smile at Jeff and say.. 'You seems busy Jeff..' Jeff put the present on the chair beside Apo's bed and reply back.. 'Yes.. I can't stay here for too long.. Still have a work in the studio..' Apo pout and say.. 'Please stay here for a bit longer.. I really miss you..' Apo hug Jeff again.. Bible roll his eyes and sit down.. Jeff stroke Apo's head gently and say.. 'Thank you for coming back Apo.. Same thing goes to you Bible.. Please take care of each other ok?' Bible nod and smile... Apo notice Bible's fake smile and say.. 'Jeff.. next time... lets go somewhere for a vacation.. Just both of us..' Jeff laugh and reply back.. 'Alright.. As you wish.. Anyway..I need to go now.. I will come and visit if Im not busy ok?' Apo nod in respond.. Jeff stroke Apo's cheek and kiss his forehead then leave the ward.. Bible look at Apo with a serious expression and ask.. 'Well.. Are you happy now huh?' Apo then tease Bible and say.. 'Ooh.. Someone in jealous hmm? Look at me sweetheart..' Bible ignore Apo and look away.. Apo smile and turn Bible's face towards him and kiss his lips softly and say.. 'Im yours and always yours.. Jeff is special.. I admit that.. But you are everything to me.. my beloved husband.. I love you so much..' Apo kiss Bible's forehead for a long time and touch their foreheads.. Bible kiss Apo's lips softly and climb on the bed and lay down beside his beloved wife.. Bible pull Apo slowly towards him and say..' I love you even more sweetheart.. Sleep now ok? 'Apo nod and reply back..' of course.. You also need to sleep.. 'Bible kiss Apo's forehead and sleep together with Apo..

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